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2024-12-24 16:04:27 +01:00
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Stylix.Palette ( ) where
import Ai.Evolutionary ( Species(..) )
import Codec.Picture ( Image(imageWidth, imageHeight), PixelRGB8(PixelRGB8), pixelAt )
import Data.Colour ( LAB(lightness), RGB(RGB), deltaE, rgb2lab )
import Data.List ( delete )
import Data.Vector ( (//) )
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Random ( randomRIO )
2024-12-24 17:03:01 +01:00
-- Adjust value according to coefficients
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adjustValue :: Double -> Double-> Double -> Double -> Double
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adjustValue v a b x = minimum [maximum [0.0, v*(a*x+b)], 100.0]
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-- | Extract the primary scale from a pallete.
primary :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
primary = V.take 8
-- | Extract the accent colours from a palette.
accent :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
accent = V.drop 8
{- |
Combine two palettes by taking a colour from the left,
then the right, then the left, and so on until we have
taken enough colours for a new palette.
alternatingZip :: V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
alternatingZip = V.izipWith (\i a b -> if even i then a else b)
randomFromImage :: Image PixelRGB8 -> IO LAB
randomFromImage image = do
x <- randomRIO (0, imageWidth image - 1)
y <- randomRIO (0, imageHeight image - 1)
let (PixelRGB8 r g b) = pixelAt image x y
color = RGB (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral g) (fromIntegral b)
return $ rgb2lab color
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instance Species (String,Double,Double, Image PixelRGB8) (V.Vector LAB) where
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generate (_,_,_, image) = V.replicateM 16 $ randomFromImage image
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crossover _ a b = return $ alternatingZip a b
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mutate (_,_,_, image) palette = do
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index <- randomRIO (0, 15)
colour <- randomFromImage image
return $ palette // [(index, colour)]
2024-12-24 17:12:11 +01:00
fitness (polarity,primaryScaleDark,primaryScaleLight, _) palette
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= realToFrac $ accentDifference - (primarySimilarity/10) - scheme
-- The primary scale should use similar colours, to an extent.
primarySimilarity = maximum $ do
a <- primary palette
b <- primary palette
return $ deltaE a b
-- The accent colours should be as different as possible.
accentDifference = minimum $ do
index_x <- [0..7]
index_y <- delete index_x [0..7]
let x = accent palette V.! index_x
y = accent palette V.! index_y
return $ deltaE x y
-- Helpers for the function below.
lightnesses = lightness palette
difference a b = abs $ a - b
lightnessError primaryScale accentValue
-- The primary scale's lightnesses should match the given pattern.
= sum (V.zipWith difference primaryScale $ primary lightnesses)
-- The accent colours should all have the given lightness.
+ sum ( (difference accentValue) $ accent lightnesses)
scheme = case polarity of
"either" -> min lightScheme darkScheme
"light" -> lightScheme
"dark" -> darkScheme
_ -> error ("Invalid polarity: " ++ polarity)
For light themes, the background is bright and the text is dark.
The accent colours are slightly darker.
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= lightnessError (V.fromList [
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(adjustValue 90.0 0.1 0.0 primaryScaleLight),
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(adjustValue 70.0 0.963 0.037 primaryScaleLight),
(adjustValue 55.0 0.913 0.087 primaryScaleLight),
(adjustValue 35.0 0.167 0.883 primaryScaleLight),
(adjustValue 25.0 0.078 0.922 primaryScaleLight),
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(adjustValue 10.0 0.056 0.944 primaryScaleLight),
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(adjustValue 5.0 0.0 1.0 primaryScaleLight),
(adjustValue 5.0 0.0 1.0 primaryScaleLight)
]) 40
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2024-12-24 17:23:01 +01:00
-- 0.1, 0.133,0.178,0.85,0.93,0.95,1.0,1.0 for 0.1 scale
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-- f(x) = ax+b for multiplier (light)
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-- 1.0, 0.0
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-- 0.963, 0.037
-- 0.913, 0.087
-- 0.167, 0.833
-- 0.078, 0.922
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-- 0.056, 0.944
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-- 0.0, 1.0
-- 0.0, 1.0
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For dark themes, the background is dark and the text is bright.
The accent colours are slightly brighter.
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= lightnessError (V.fromList [
2024-12-24 17:23:01 +01:00
(adjustValue 10.0 1.0 0.0 primaryScaleDark),
2024-12-24 17:17:02 +01:00
(adjustValue 30.0 0.963 0.037 primaryScaleDark),
(adjustValue 45.0 0.913 0.087 primaryScaleDark),
(adjustValue 65.0 0.167 0.883 primaryScaleDark),
(adjustValue 75.0 0.078 0.922 primaryScaleDark),
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(adjustValue 90.0 0.056 0.944 primaryScaleDark),
2024-12-24 17:17:02 +01:00
(adjustValue 95.0 0.0 1.0 primaryScaleDark),
(adjustValue 95.0 0.0 1.0 primaryScaleDark)
]) 60
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2024-12-24 17:23:01 +01:00
-- 0.1, 0.133,0.178,0.85,0.93,0.95,1.0,1.0 for 0.1 scale
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-- f(x) = ax+b for multiplier (dark)
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-- 1.0, 0.0
2024-12-24 17:00:19 +01:00
-- 0.963, 0.037
-- 0.913, 0.087
-- 0.167, 0.833
-- 0.078, 0.922
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-- 0.056, 0.944
2024-12-24 17:00:19 +01:00
-- 0.0, 1.0
-- 0.0, 1.0