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2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00
// Package app provides app implementations for working with Fyne graphical interfaces.
// The fastest way to get started is to call app.New() which will normally load a new desktop application.
// If the "ci" tag is passed to go (go run -tags ci myapp.go) it will run an in-memory application.
package app // import ""
import (
intRepo ""
// Declare conformity with App interface
var _ fyne.App = (*fyneApp)(nil)
type fyneApp struct {
driver fyne.Driver
icon fyne.Resource
uniqueID string
cloud fyne.CloudProvider
lifecycle fyne.Lifecycle
settings *settings
storage fyne.Storage
prefs fyne.Preferences
running uint32 // atomic, 1 == running, 0 == stopped
func (a *fyneApp) CloudProvider() fyne.CloudProvider {
func (a *fyneApp) Icon() fyne.Resource {
if a.icon != nil {
return a.icon
return a.Metadata().Icon
func (a *fyneApp) SetIcon(icon fyne.Resource) {
a.icon = icon
func (a *fyneApp) UniqueID() string {
if a.uniqueID != "" {
return a.uniqueID
if a.Metadata().ID != "" {
return a.Metadata().ID
fyne.LogError("Preferences API requires a unique ID, use app.NewWithID() or the FyneApp.toml ID field", nil)
a.uniqueID = "missing-id-" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10) // This is a fake unique - it just has to not be reused...
return a.uniqueID
func (a *fyneApp) NewWindow(title string) fyne.Window {
return a.driver.CreateWindow(title)
func (a *fyneApp) Run() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&a.running, 0, 1) {
func (a *fyneApp) Quit() {
for _, window := range a.driver.AllWindows() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&a.running, 0)
func (a *fyneApp) Driver() fyne.Driver {
return a.driver
// Settings returns the application settings currently configured.
func (a *fyneApp) Settings() fyne.Settings {
return a.settings
func (a *fyneApp) Storage() fyne.Storage {
func (a *fyneApp) Preferences() fyne.Preferences {
if a.UniqueID() == "" {
fyne.LogError("Preferences API requires a unique ID, use app.NewWithID() or the FyneApp.toml ID field", nil)
return a.prefs
func (a *fyneApp) Lifecycle() fyne.Lifecycle {
return a.lifecycle
func (a *fyneApp) newDefaultPreferences() *preferences {
p := newPreferences(a)
if a.uniqueID != "" {
return p
// New returns a new application instance with the default driver and no unique ID (unless specified in FyneApp.toml)
func New() fyne.App {
if meta.ID == "" {
internal.LogHint("Applications should be created with a unique ID using app.NewWithID()")
return NewWithID(meta.ID)
func makeStoreDocs(id string, s *store) *internal.Docs {
if id != "" {
err := os.MkdirAll(s.a.storageRoot(), 0755) // make the space before anyone can use it
if err != nil {
fyne.LogError("Failed to create app storage space", err)
root, _ := s.docRootURI()
return &internal.Docs{RootDocURI: root}
} else {
return &internal.Docs{} // an empty impl to avoid crashes
func newAppWithDriver(d fyne.Driver, id string) fyne.App {
newApp := &fyneApp{uniqueID: id, driver: d, lifecycle: &app.Lifecycle{}}
newApp.prefs = newApp.newDefaultPreferences()
newApp.lifecycle.(*app.Lifecycle).SetOnStoppedHookExecuted(func() {
if prefs, ok := newApp.prefs.(*preferences); ok {
newApp.settings = loadSettings()
store := &store{a: newApp}
store.Docs = makeStoreDocs(id, store) = store
if !d.Device().IsMobile() {
httpHandler := intRepo.NewHTTPRepository()
repository.Register("http", httpHandler)
repository.Register("https", httpHandler)
return newApp
// marker interface to pass system tray to supporting drivers
type systrayDriver interface {
SetSystemTrayIcon(resource fyne.Resource)