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2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00
package widget
import (
paint ""
const (
passwordChar = "•"
// RichText represents the base element for a rich text-based widget.
// Since: 2.1
type RichText struct {
Segments []RichTextSegment
Wrapping fyne.TextWrap
Scroll widget.ScrollDirection
// The truncation mode of the text
// Since: 2.4
Truncation fyne.TextTruncation
inset fyne.Size // this varies due to how the widget works (entry with scroller vs others with padding)
rowBounds []rowBoundary // cache for boundaries
scr *widget.Scroll
prop *canvas.Rectangle // used to apply text minsize to the scroller `scr`, if present - TODO improve #2464
visualCache map[RichTextSegment][]fyne.CanvasObject
cacheLock sync.Mutex
minCache fyne.Size
// NewRichText returns a new RichText widget that renders the given text and segments.
// If no segments are specified it will be converted to a single segment using the default text settings.
// Since: 2.1
func NewRichText(segments ...RichTextSegment) *RichText {
t := &RichText{Segments: segments}
t.Scroll = widget.ScrollNone
return t
// NewRichTextWithText returns a new RichText widget that renders the given text.
// The string will be converted to a single text segment using the default text settings.
// Since: 2.1
func NewRichTextWithText(text string) *RichText {
return NewRichText(&TextSegment{
Style: RichTextStyleInline,
Text: text,
// CreateRenderer is a private method to Fyne which links this widget to its renderer
func (t *RichText) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer {
t.prop = canvas.NewRectangle(color.Transparent)
if t.scr == nil && t.Scroll != widget.ScrollNone {
t.scr = widget.NewScroll(&fyne.Container{Layout: layout.NewStackLayout(), Objects: []fyne.CanvasObject{
t.prop, &fyne.Container{}}})
r := &textRenderer{obj: t}
t.updateRowBounds() // set up the initial text layout etc
return r
// MinSize calculates the minimum size of a rich text widget.
// This is based on the contained text with a standard amount of padding added.
func (t *RichText) MinSize() fyne.Size {
// we don't return the minCache here, as any internal segments could have caused it to change...
min := t.BaseWidget.MinSize()
t.minCache = min
return min
// Refresh triggers a redraw of the rich text.
// Implements: fyne.Widget
func (t *RichText) Refresh() {
t.minCache = fyne.Size{}
// Resize sets a new size for the rich text.
// This should only be called if it is not in a container with a layout manager.
// Implements: fyne.Widget
func (t *RichText) Resize(size fyne.Size) {
baseSize := t.size
segments := t.Segments
skipResize := !t.minCache.IsZero() && size.Width >= t.minCache.Width && size.Height >= t.minCache.Height && t.Wrapping == fyne.TextWrapOff && t.Truncation == fyne.TextTruncateOff
if baseSize == size {
t.size = size
if skipResize {
if len(segments) < 2 { // we can simplify :)
// String returns the text widget buffer as string
func (t *RichText) String() string {
ret := strings.Builder{}
for _, seg := range t.Segments {
return ret.String()
// CharMinSize returns the average char size to use for internal computation
func (t *RichText) charMinSize(concealed bool, style fyne.TextStyle) fyne.Size {
defaultChar := "M"
if concealed {
defaultChar = passwordChar
return fyne.MeasureText(defaultChar, theme.TextSize(), style)
// deleteFromTo removes the text between the specified positions
func (t *RichText) deleteFromTo(lowBound int, highBound int) string {
start := 0
var ret []rune
deleting := false
var segs []RichTextSegment
for i, seg := range t.Segments {
if _, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); !ok {
if !deleting {
segs = append(segs, seg)
end := start + len([]rune(seg.(*TextSegment).Text))
if end < lowBound {
segs = append(segs, seg)
start = end
startOff := int(math.Max(float64(lowBound-start), 0))
endOff := int(math.Min(float64(end), float64(highBound))) - start
deleted := make([]rune, endOff-startOff)
r := ([]rune)(seg.(*TextSegment).Text)
copy(deleted, r[startOff:endOff])
ret = append(ret, deleted...)
r2 := append(r[:startOff], r[endOff:]...)
seg.(*TextSegment).Text = string(r2)
segs = append(segs, seg)
// prepare next iteration
start = end
if start >= highBound {
segs = append(segs, t.Segments[i+1:]...)
} else if start >= lowBound {
deleting = true
t.Segments = segs
return string(ret)
// cachedSegmentVisual returns a cached segment visual representation.
// The offset value is > 0 if the segment had been split and so we need multiple objects.
func (t *RichText) cachedSegmentVisual(seg RichTextSegment, offset int) fyne.CanvasObject {
defer t.cacheLock.Unlock()
if t.visualCache == nil {
t.visualCache = make(map[RichTextSegment][]fyne.CanvasObject)
if vis, ok := t.visualCache[seg]; ok && offset < len(vis) {
return vis[offset]
vis := seg.Visual()
if offset < len(t.visualCache[seg]) {
t.visualCache[seg][offset] = vis
} else {
t.visualCache[seg] = append(t.visualCache[seg], vis)
return vis
func (t *RichText) cleanVisualCache() {
defer t.cacheLock.Unlock()
if len(t.visualCache) <= len(t.Segments) {
var deletingSegs []RichTextSegment
for seg1 := range t.visualCache {
found := false
for _, seg2 := range t.Segments {
if seg1 == seg2 {
found = true
if !found {
// cached segment is not currently in t.Segments, clear it
deletingSegs = append(deletingSegs, seg1)
for _, seg := range deletingSegs {
delete(t.visualCache, seg)
// insertAt inserts the text at the specified position
func (t *RichText) insertAt(pos int, runes string) {
index := 0
start := 0
var into *TextSegment
for i, seg := range t.Segments {
if _, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); !ok {
end := start + len([]rune(seg.(*TextSegment).Text))
into = seg.(*TextSegment)
index = i
if end > pos {
start = end
if into == nil {
r := ([]rune)(into.Text)
if pos > len(r) { // safety in case position is out of bounds for the segment
pos = len(r)
r2 := append(r[:pos], append([]rune(runes), r[pos:]...)...)
into.Text = string(r2)
t.Segments[index] = into
// Len returns the text widget buffer length
func (t *RichText) len() int {
ret := 0
for _, seg := range t.Segments {
ret += len([]rune(seg.Textual()))
return ret
// lineSizeToColumn returns the rendered size for the line specified by row up to the col position
func (t *RichText) lineSizeToColumn(col, row int) fyne.Size {
if row < 0 {
row = 0
if col < 0 {
col = 0
bound := t.rowBoundary(row)
total := fyne.NewSize(0, 0)
counted := 0
last := false
if bound == nil {
return t.charMinSize(false, fyne.TextStyle{})
for i, seg := range bound.segments {
var size fyne.Size
if text, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); ok {
start := 0
if i == 0 {
start = bound.begin
measureText := []rune(text.Text)[start:]
if col < counted+len(measureText) {
measureText = measureText[0 : col-counted]
last = true
if concealed(seg) {
measureText = []rune(strings.Repeat(passwordChar, len(measureText)))
counted += len(measureText)
label := canvas.NewText(string(measureText), color.Black)
label.TextStyle = text.Style.TextStyle
label.TextSize = text.size()
size = label.MinSize()
} else {
size = t.cachedSegmentVisual(seg, 0).MinSize()
total.Width += size.Width
total.Height = fyne.Max(total.Height, size.Height)
if last {
return total.Add(fyne.NewSize(theme.InnerPadding()-t.inset.Width, 0))
// Row returns the characters in the row specified.
// The row parameter should be between 0 and t.Rows()-1.
func (t *RichText) row(row int) []rune {
if row < 0 || row >= t.rows() {
return nil
bound := t.rowBounds[row]
var ret []rune
for i, seg := range bound.segments {
if text, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); ok {
if i == 0 {
if len(bound.segments) == 1 {
ret = append(ret, []rune(text.Text)[bound.begin:bound.end]...)
} else {
ret = append(ret, []rune(text.Text)[bound.begin:]...)
} else if i == len(bound.segments)-1 && len(bound.segments) > 1 && bound.end != 0 {
ret = append(ret, []rune(text.Text)[:bound.end]...)
return ret
// RowBoundary returns the boundary of the row specified.
// The row parameter should be between 0 and t.Rows()-1.
func (t *RichText) rowBoundary(row int) *rowBoundary {
defer t.propertyLock.RUnlock()
if row < 0 || row >= t.rows() {
return nil
return &t.rowBounds[row]
// RowLength returns the number of visible characters in the row specified.
// The row parameter should be between 0 and t.Rows()-1.
func (t *RichText) rowLength(row int) int {
return len(t.row(row))
// rows returns the number of text rows in this text entry.
// The entry may be longer than required to show this amount of content.
func (t *RichText) rows() int {
return len(t.rowBounds)
// updateRowBounds updates the row bounds used to render properly the text widget.
// updateRowBounds should be invoked every time a segment Text, widget Wrapping or size changes.
func (t *RichText) updateRowBounds() {
innerPadding := theme.InnerPadding()
fitSize := t.Size()
if t.scr != nil {
fitSize = t.scr.Content.MinSize()
fitSize.Height -= (innerPadding + t.inset.Height) * 2
var bounds []rowBoundary
maxWidth := t.size.Width - 2*innerPadding + 2*t.inset.Width
wrapWidth := maxWidth
var currentBound *rowBoundary
var iterateSegments func(segList []RichTextSegment)
iterateSegments = func(segList []RichTextSegment) {
for _, seg := range segList {
if parent, ok := seg.(RichTextBlock); ok {
segs := parent.Segments()
if len(segs) > 0 && !segs[len(segs)-1].Inline() {
wrapWidth = maxWidth
currentBound = nil
if _, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); !ok {
if currentBound == nil {
bound := rowBoundary{segments: []RichTextSegment{seg}}
bounds = append(bounds, bound)
currentBound = &bound
} else {
bounds[len(bounds)-1].segments = append(bounds[len(bounds)-1].segments, seg)
itemMin := t.cachedSegmentVisual(seg, 0).MinSize()
if seg.Inline() {
wrapWidth -= itemMin.Width
} else {
wrapWidth = maxWidth
currentBound = nil
fitSize.Height -= itemMin.Height + theme.LineSpacing()
textSeg := seg.(*TextSegment)
textStyle := textSeg.Style.TextStyle
textSize := textSeg.size()
leftPad := float32(0)
if textSeg.Style == RichTextStyleBlockquote {
leftPad = innerPadding * 2
retBounds, height := lineBounds(textSeg, t.Wrapping, t.Truncation, wrapWidth-leftPad, fyne.NewSize(maxWidth, fitSize.Height), func(text []rune) fyne.Size {
return fyne.MeasureText(string(text), textSize, textStyle)
if currentBound != nil {
if len(retBounds) > 0 {
bounds[len(bounds)-1].end = retBounds[0].end // invalidate row ending as we have more content
bounds[len(bounds)-1].segments = append(bounds[len(bounds)-1].segments, seg)
bounds = append(bounds, retBounds[1:]...)
fitSize.Height -= height
} else {
bounds = append(bounds, retBounds...)
fitSize.Height -= height
currentBound = &bounds[len(bounds)-1]
if seg.Inline() {
last := bounds[len(bounds)-1]
begin := 0
if len(last.segments) == 1 {
begin = last.begin
runes := []rune(textSeg.Text)
// check ranges - as we resize it can be wrong?
if begin > len(runes) {
begin = len(runes)
end := last.end
if end > len(runes) {
end = len(runes)
text := string(runes[begin:end])
measured := fyne.MeasureText(text, textSeg.size(), textSeg.Style.TextStyle)
lastWidth := measured.Width
if len(retBounds) == 1 {
wrapWidth -= lastWidth
} else {
wrapWidth = maxWidth - lastWidth
} else {
currentBound = nil
wrapWidth = maxWidth
t.rowBounds = bounds
// RichTextBlock is an extension of a text segment that contains other segments
// Since: 2.1
type RichTextBlock interface {
Segments() []RichTextSegment
// Renderer
type textRenderer struct {
obj *RichText
func (r *textRenderer) Layout(size fyne.Size) {
bounds := r.obj.rowBounds
objs := r.Objects()
if r.obj.scr != nil {
objs = r.obj.scr.Content.(*fyne.Container).Objects[1].(*fyne.Container).Objects
// Accessing theme here is slow, so we cache the value
innerPadding := theme.InnerPadding()
lineSpacing := theme.LineSpacing()
xInset := innerPadding - r.obj.inset.Width
left := xInset
yPos := innerPadding - r.obj.inset.Height
lineWidth := size.Width - left*2
var rowItems []fyne.CanvasObject
rowAlign := fyne.TextAlignLeading
i := 0
for row, bound := range bounds {
for segI := range bound.segments {
if i == len(objs) {
break // Refresh may not have created all objects for all rows yet...
inline := segI < len(bound.segments)-1
obj := objs[i]
_, isText := obj.(*canvas.Text)
if !isText && !inline {
if len(rowItems) != 0 {
width, _ := r.layoutRow(rowItems, rowAlign, left, yPos, lineWidth)
left += width
rowItems = nil
height := obj.MinSize().Height
obj.Move(fyne.NewPos(left, yPos))
obj.Resize(fyne.NewSize(lineWidth, height))
yPos += height
left = xInset
rowItems = append(rowItems, obj)
if inline {
leftPad := float32(0)
if text, ok := bound.segments[0].(*TextSegment); ok {
rowAlign = text.Style.Alignment
if text.Style == RichTextStyleBlockquote {
leftPad = lineSpacing * 4
} else if link, ok := bound.segments[0].(*HyperlinkSegment); ok {
rowAlign = link.Alignment
_, y := r.layoutRow(rowItems, rowAlign, left+leftPad, yPos, lineWidth-leftPad)
yPos += y
rowItems = nil
lastSeg := bound.segments[len(bound.segments)-1]
if !lastSeg.Inline() && row < len(bounds)-1 && bounds[row+1].segments[0] != lastSeg { // ignore wrapped lines etc
yPos += lineSpacing
// MinSize calculates the minimum size of a rich text widget.
// This is based on the contained text with a standard amount of padding added.
func (r *textRenderer) MinSize() fyne.Size {
bounds := r.obj.rowBounds
wrap := r.obj.Wrapping
trunc := r.obj.Truncation
scroll := r.obj.Scroll
objs := r.Objects()
if r.obj.scr != nil {
objs = r.obj.scr.Content.(*fyne.Container).Objects[1].(*fyne.Container).Objects
charMinSize := r.obj.charMinSize(false, fyne.TextStyle{})
min := r.calculateMin(bounds, wrap, objs, charMinSize)
if r.obj.scr != nil {
if trunc != fyne.TextTruncateOff && r.obj.Scroll == widget.ScrollNone {
minBounds := charMinSize
if wrap == fyne.TextWrapOff {
minBounds.Height = min.Height
} else {
minBounds = minBounds.Add(fyne.NewSquareSize(theme.InnerPadding() * 2).Subtract(r.obj.inset).Subtract(r.obj.inset))
if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateClip {
return minBounds
} else if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateEllipsis {
ellipsisSize := fyne.MeasureText("…", theme.TextSize(), fyne.TextStyle{})
return minBounds.AddWidthHeight(ellipsisSize.Width, 0)
switch scroll {
case widget.ScrollBoth:
return fyne.NewSize(32, 32)
case widget.ScrollHorizontalOnly:
return fyne.NewSize(32, min.Height)
case widget.ScrollVerticalOnly:
return fyne.NewSize(min.Width, 32)
return min
func (r *textRenderer) calculateMin(bounds []rowBoundary, wrap fyne.TextWrap, objs []fyne.CanvasObject, charMinSize fyne.Size) fyne.Size {
height := float32(0)
width := float32(0)
rowHeight := float32(0)
rowWidth := float32(0)
trunc := r.obj.Truncation
// Accessing the theme here is slow, so we cache the value
lineSpacing := theme.LineSpacing()
i := 0
for row, bound := range bounds {
for range bound.segments {
if i == len(objs) {
break // Refresh may not have created all objects for all rows yet...
obj := objs[i]
min := obj.MinSize()
if img, ok := obj.(*richImage); ok {
if !img.MinSize().Subtract(img.oldMin).IsZero() {
img.oldMin = img.MinSize()
min := r.calculateMin(bounds, wrap, objs, charMinSize)
if r.obj.scr != nil {
r.Refresh() // TODO resolve this in a similar way to #2991
rowHeight = fyne.Max(rowHeight, min.Height)
rowWidth += min.Width
if wrap == fyne.TextWrapOff && trunc == fyne.TextTruncateOff {
width = fyne.Max(width, rowWidth)
height += rowHeight
rowHeight = 0
rowWidth = 0
lastSeg := bound.segments[len(bound.segments)-1]
if !lastSeg.Inline() && row < len(bounds)-1 && bounds[row+1].segments[0] != lastSeg { // ignore wrapped lines etc
height += lineSpacing
if height == 0 {
height = charMinSize.Height
return fyne.NewSize(width, height).
Add(fyne.NewSquareSize(theme.InnerPadding() * 2).Subtract(r.obj.inset).Subtract(r.obj.inset))
func (r *textRenderer) Refresh() {
bounds := r.obj.rowBounds
scroll := r.obj.Scroll
var objs []fyne.CanvasObject
for _, bound := range bounds {
for i, seg := range bound.segments {
if _, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); !ok {
obj := r.obj.cachedSegmentVisual(seg, 0)
objs = append(objs, obj)
reuse := 0
if i == 0 {
reuse = bound.firstSegmentReuse
obj := r.obj.cachedSegmentVisual(seg, reuse)
txt := obj.(*canvas.Text)
textSeg := seg.(*TextSegment)
runes := []rune(textSeg.Text)
if i == 0 {
if len(bound.segments) == 1 {
txt.Text = string(runes[bound.begin:bound.end])
} else {
txt.Text = string(runes[bound.begin:])
} else if i == len(bound.segments)-1 && len(bound.segments) > 1 {
txt.Text = string(runes[:bound.end])
if bound.ellipsis && i == len(bound.segments)-1 {
txt.Text = txt.Text + "…"
if concealed(seg) {
txt.Text = strings.Repeat(passwordChar, len(runes))
objs = append(objs, txt)
if r.obj.scr != nil {
r.obj.scr.Content = &fyne.Container{Layout: layout.NewStackLayout(), Objects: []fyne.CanvasObject{
r.obj.prop, &fyne.Container{Objects: objs}}}
r.obj.scr.Direction = scroll
} else {
func (r *textRenderer) layoutRow(texts []fyne.CanvasObject, align fyne.TextAlign, xPos, yPos, lineWidth float32) (float32, float32) {
initialX := xPos
if len(texts) == 1 {
min := texts[0].MinSize()
if text, ok := texts[0].(*canvas.Text); ok {
xPad := float32(0)
switch text.Alignment {
case fyne.TextAlignLeading:
case fyne.TextAlignTrailing:
xPad = lineWidth - min.Width
case fyne.TextAlignCenter:
xPad = (lineWidth - min.Width) / 2
texts[0].Move(fyne.NewPos(xPos+xPad, yPos))
} else {
texts[0].Resize(fyne.NewSize(lineWidth, min.Height))
texts[0].Move(fyne.NewPos(xPos, yPos))
return min.Width, min.Height
height := float32(0)
tallestBaseline := float32(0)
realign := false
baselines := make([]float32, len(texts))
// Access to theme is slow, so we cache the text size
textSize := theme.TextSize()
for i, text := range texts {
var size fyne.Size
if txt, ok := text.(*canvas.Text); ok {
s, base := fyne.CurrentApp().Driver().RenderedTextSize(txt.Text, txt.TextSize, txt.TextStyle)
if base > tallestBaseline {
if tallestBaseline > 0 {
realign = true
tallestBaseline = base
size = s
baselines[i] = base
} else if c, ok := text.(*fyne.Container); ok {
wid := c.Objects[0]
if link, ok := wid.(*Hyperlink); ok {
s, base := fyne.CurrentApp().Driver().RenderedTextSize(link.Text, textSize, link.TextStyle)
if base > tallestBaseline {
if tallestBaseline > 0 {
realign = true
tallestBaseline = base
size = s
baselines[i] = base
if size.IsZero() {
size = text.MinSize()
text.Move(fyne.NewPos(xPos, yPos))
xPos += size.Width
if height == 0 {
height = size.Height
} else if height != size.Height {
height = fyne.Max(height, size.Height)
realign = true
if realign {
for i, text := range texts {
delta := tallestBaseline - baselines[i]
text.Move(fyne.NewPos(text.Position().X, yPos+delta))
spare := lineWidth - xPos
switch align {
case fyne.TextAlignTrailing:
first := texts[0]
first.Resize(fyne.NewSize(first.Size().Width+spare, height))
setAlign(first, fyne.TextAlignTrailing)
for _, text := range texts[1:] {
text.Move(text.Position().Add(fyne.NewPos(spare, 0)))
case fyne.TextAlignCenter:
pad := spare / 2
first := texts[0]
first.Resize(fyne.NewSize(first.Size().Width+pad, height))
setAlign(first, fyne.TextAlignTrailing)
last := texts[len(texts)-1]
last.Resize(fyne.NewSize(last.Size().Width+pad, height))
setAlign(last, fyne.TextAlignLeading)
for _, text := range texts[1:] {
text.Move(text.Position().Add(fyne.NewPos(pad, 0)))
last := texts[len(texts)-1]
last.Resize(fyne.NewSize(last.Size().Width+spare, height))
setAlign(last, fyne.TextAlignLeading)
return xPos - initialX, height
// binarySearch accepts a function that checks if the text width less the maximum width and the start and end rune index
// binarySearch returns the index of rune located as close to the maximum line width as possible
func binarySearch(lessMaxWidth func(int, int) bool, low int, maxHigh int) int {
if low >= maxHigh {
return low
if lessMaxWidth(low, maxHigh) {
return maxHigh
high := low
delta := maxHigh - low
for delta > 0 {
delta /= 2
if lessMaxWidth(low, high+delta) {
high += delta
for (high < maxHigh) && lessMaxWidth(low, high+1) {
return high
// concealed returns true if the segment represents a password, meaning the text should be obscured.
func concealed(seg RichTextSegment) bool {
if text, ok := seg.(*TextSegment); ok {
return text.Style.concealed
return false
func ellipsisPriorBound(bounds []rowBoundary, trunc fyne.TextTruncation, width float32, measurer func([]rune) fyne.Size) []rowBoundary {
if trunc != fyne.TextTruncateEllipsis || len(bounds) == 0 {
return bounds
prior := bounds[len(bounds)-1]
seg := prior.segments[0].(*TextSegment)
ellipsisSize := fyne.MeasureText("…", seg.size(), seg.Style.TextStyle)
widthChecker := func(low int, high int) bool {
return measurer([]rune(seg.Text)[low:high]).Width <= width-ellipsisSize.Width
limit := binarySearch(widthChecker, prior.begin, prior.end)
prior.end = limit
prior.ellipsis = true
bounds[len(bounds)-1] = prior
return bounds
// findSpaceIndex accepts a slice of runes and a fallback index
// findSpaceIndex returns the index of the last space in the text, or fallback if there are no spaces
func findSpaceIndex(text []rune, fallback int) int {
curIndex := fallback
for ; curIndex >= 0; curIndex-- {
if unicode.IsSpace(text[curIndex]) {
if curIndex < 0 {
return fallback
return curIndex
func float32ToFixed266(f float32) fixed.Int26_6 {
return fixed.Int26_6(float64(f) * (1 << 6))
// lineBounds accepts a slice of Segments, a wrapping mode, a maximum size available to display and a function to
// measure text size.
// It will return a slice containing the boundary metadata of each line with the given wrapping applied and the
// total height required to render the boundaries at the given width/height constraints
func lineBounds(seg *TextSegment, wrap fyne.TextWrap, trunc fyne.TextTruncation, firstWidth float32, max fyne.Size, measurer func([]rune) fyne.Size) ([]rowBoundary, float32) {
lines := splitLines(seg)
if wrap == fyne.TextTruncate {
if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateOff {
trunc = fyne.TextTruncateClip
wrap = fyne.TextWrapOff
if max.Width < 0 || wrap == fyne.TextWrapOff && trunc == fyne.TextTruncateOff {
return lines, 0 // don't bother returning a calculated height, our MinSize is going to cover it
measureWidth := float32(math.Min(float64(firstWidth), float64(max.Width)))
text := []rune(seg.Text)
widthChecker := func(low int, high int) bool {
return measurer(text[low:high]).Width <= measureWidth
reuse := 0
yPos := float32(0)
var bounds []rowBoundary
for _, l := range lines {
low := l.begin
high := l.end
if low == high {
l.firstSegmentReuse = reuse
bounds = append(bounds, l)
switch wrap {
case fyne.TextWrapBreak:
for low < high {
measured := measurer(text[low:high])
if yPos+measured.Height > max.Height && trunc != fyne.TextTruncateOff {
return ellipsisPriorBound(bounds, trunc, measureWidth, measurer), yPos
if measured.Width <= measureWidth {
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, high, false})
low = high
high = l.end
measureWidth = max.Width
yPos += measured.Height
} else {
newHigh := binarySearch(widthChecker, low, high)
if newHigh <= low {
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, low + 1, false})
yPos += measured.Height
} else {
high = newHigh
case fyne.TextWrapWord:
for low < high {
sub := text[low:high]
measured := measurer(sub)
if yPos+measured.Height > max.Height && trunc != fyne.TextTruncateOff {
return ellipsisPriorBound(bounds, trunc, measureWidth, measurer), yPos
subWidth := measured.Width
if subWidth <= measureWidth {
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, high, false})
low = high
high = l.end
if low < high && unicode.IsSpace(text[low]) {
measureWidth = max.Width
yPos += measured.Height
} else {
oldHigh := high
last := low + len(sub) - 1
fallback := binarySearch(widthChecker, low, last) - low
if fallback < 1 { // even a character won't fit
include := 1
ellipsis := false
if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateEllipsis {
include = 0
ellipsis = true
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, low + include, ellipsis})
high = low + 1
yPos += measured.Height
if high > l.end {
return bounds, yPos
} else {
spaceIndex := findSpaceIndex(sub, fallback)
if spaceIndex == 0 {
spaceIndex = 1
high = low + spaceIndex
if high == fallback && subWidth <= max.Width { // add a newline as there is more space on next
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, low, false})
high = oldHigh
measureWidth = max.Width
yPos += measured.Height
if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateEllipsis {
txt := []rune(seg.Text)[low:high]
end, full := truncateLimit(string(txt), seg.Visual().(*canvas.Text), int(measureWidth), []rune{'…'})
high = low + end
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, high, !full})
} else if trunc == fyne.TextTruncateClip {
high = binarySearch(widthChecker, low, high)
bounds = append(bounds, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, reuse, low, high, false})
return bounds, yPos
func setAlign(obj fyne.CanvasObject, align fyne.TextAlign) {
if text, ok := obj.(*canvas.Text); ok {
text.Alignment = align
if c, ok := obj.(*fyne.Container); ok {
wid := c.Objects[0]
if link, ok := wid.(*Hyperlink); ok {
link.Alignment = align
// splitLines accepts a text segment and returns a slice of boundary metadata denoting the
// start and end indices of each line delimited by the newline character.
func splitLines(seg *TextSegment) []rowBoundary {
var low, high int
var lines []rowBoundary
text := []rune(seg.Text)
length := len(text)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
if text[i] == '\n' {
high = i
lines = append(lines, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, len(lines), low, high, false})
low = i + 1
return append(lines, rowBoundary{[]RichTextSegment{seg}, len(lines), low, length, false})
func truncateLimit(s string, text *canvas.Text, limit int, ellipsis []rune) (int, bool) {
face := paint.CachedFontFace(text.TextStyle, text.TextSize, 1.0)
runes := []rune(s)
in := shaping.Input{
Text: ellipsis,
RunStart: 0,
RunEnd: len(ellipsis),
Direction: di.DirectionLTR,
Face: face.Fonts[0],
Size: float32ToFixed266(text.TextSize),
shaper := &shaping.HarfbuzzShaper{}
conf := shaping.WrapConfig{}
conf = conf.WithTruncator(shaper, in)
conf.BreakPolicy = shaping.WhenNecessary
conf.TruncateAfterLines = 1
l := shaping.LineWrapper{}
in.Text = runes
in.RunEnd = len(runes)
out := shaper.Shape(in)
l.Prepare(conf, runes, shaping.NewSliceIterator([]shaping.Output{out}))
wrapped, done := l.WrapNextLine(limit)
count := wrapped.Line[0].Runes.Count
full := done && count == len(runes)
if !full && len(ellipsis) > 0 {
return count, full
type rowBoundary struct {
segments []RichTextSegment
firstSegmentReuse int
begin, end int
ellipsis bool