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2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00
// Copyright 2018 by the rasterx Authors. All rights reserved.
// created: 2/06/2018 by S.R.Wiley
// Functions that rasterize common shapes easily.
package rasterx
import (
// MaxDx is the Maximum radians a cubic splice is allowed to span
// in ellipse parametric when approximating an off-axis ellipse.
const MaxDx float64 = math.Pi / 8
// ToFixedP converts two floats to a fixed point.
func ToFixedP(x, y float64) (p fixed.Point26_6) {
p.X = fixed.Int26_6(x * 64)
p.Y = fixed.Int26_6(y * 64)
// AddCircle adds a circle to the Adder p
func AddCircle(cx, cy, r float64, p Adder) {
AddEllipse(cx, cy, r, r, 0, p)
// AddEllipse adds an elipse with center at cx,cy, with the indicated
// x and y radius, (rx, ry), rotated around the center by rot degrees.
func AddEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, rot float64, p Adder) {
rotRads := rot * math.Pi / 180
px, py := Identity.
Translate(cx, cy).Rotate(rotRads).Translate(-cx, -cy).Transform(cx+rx, cy)
points := []float64{rx, ry, rot, 1.0, 0.0, px, py}
p.Start(ToFixedP(px, py))
AddArc(points, cx, cy, px, py, p)
// AddRect adds a rectangle of the indicated size, rotated
// around the center by rot degrees.
func AddRect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, rot float64, p Adder) {
rot *= math.Pi / 180
cx, cy := (minX+maxX)/2, (minY+maxY)/2
m := Identity.Translate(cx, cy).Rotate(rot).Translate(-cx, -cy)
q := &MatrixAdder{M: m, Adder: p}
q.Start(ToFixedP(minX, minY))
q.Line(ToFixedP(maxX, minY))
q.Line(ToFixedP(maxX, maxY))
q.Line(ToFixedP(minX, maxY))
// AddRoundRect adds a rectangle of the indicated size, rotated
// around the center by rot degrees with rounded corners of radius
// rx in the x axis and ry in the y axis. gf specifes the shape of the
// filleting function. Valid values are RoundGap, QuadraticGap, CubicGap,
// FlatGap, or nil which defaults to a flat gap.
func AddRoundRect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, rx, ry, rot float64, gf GapFunc, p Adder) {
if rx <= 0 || ry <= 0 {
AddRect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, rot, p)
rot *= math.Pi / 180
if gf == nil {
gf = FlatGap
w := maxX - minX
if w < rx*2 {
rx = w / 2
h := maxY - minY
if h < ry*2 {
ry = h / 2
stretch := rx / ry
midY := minY + h/2
m := Identity.Translate(minX+w/2, midY).Rotate(rot).Scale(1, 1/stretch).Translate(-minX-w/2, -minY-h/2)
maxY = midY + h/2*stretch
minY = midY - h/2*stretch
q := &MatrixAdder{M: m, Adder: p}
q.Start(ToFixedP(minX+rx, minY))
q.Line(ToFixedP(maxX-rx, minY))
gf(q, ToFixedP(maxX-rx, minY+rx), ToFixedP(0, -rx), ToFixedP(rx, 0))
q.Line(ToFixedP(maxX, maxY-rx))
gf(q, ToFixedP(maxX-rx, maxY-rx), ToFixedP(rx, 0), ToFixedP(0, rx))
q.Line(ToFixedP(minX+rx, maxY))
gf(q, ToFixedP(minX+rx, maxY-rx), ToFixedP(0, rx), ToFixedP(-rx, 0))
q.Line(ToFixedP(minX, minY+rx))
gf(q, ToFixedP(minX+rx, minY+rx), ToFixedP(-rx, 0), ToFixedP(0, -rx))
//AddArc adds an arc to the adder p
func AddArc(points []float64, cx, cy, px, py float64, p Adder) (lx, ly float64) {
rotX := points[2] * math.Pi / 180 // Convert degress to radians
largeArc := points[3] != 0
sweep := points[4] != 0
startAngle := math.Atan2(py-cy, px-cx) - rotX
endAngle := math.Atan2(points[6]-cy, points[5]-cx) - rotX
deltaTheta := endAngle - startAngle
arcBig := math.Abs(deltaTheta) > math.Pi
// Approximate ellipse using cubic bezeir splines
etaStart := math.Atan2(math.Sin(startAngle)/points[1], math.Cos(startAngle)/points[0])
etaEnd := math.Atan2(math.Sin(endAngle)/points[1], math.Cos(endAngle)/points[0])
deltaEta := etaEnd - etaStart
if (arcBig && !largeArc) || (!arcBig && largeArc) { // Go has no boolean XOR
if deltaEta < 0 {
deltaEta += math.Pi * 2
} else {
deltaEta -= math.Pi * 2
// This check might be needed if the center point of the elipse is
// at the midpoint of the start and end lines.
if deltaEta < 0 && sweep {
deltaEta += math.Pi * 2
} else if deltaEta >= 0 && !sweep {
deltaEta -= math.Pi * 2
// Round up to determine number of cubic splines to approximate bezier curve
segs := int(math.Abs(deltaEta)/MaxDx) + 1
dEta := deltaEta / float64(segs) // span of each segment
// Approximate the ellipse using a set of cubic bezier curves by the method of
// L. Maisonobe, "Drawing an elliptical arc using polylines, quadratic
// or cubic Bezier curves", 2003
tde := math.Tan(dEta / 2)
alpha := math.Sin(dEta) * (math.Sqrt(4+3*tde*tde) - 1) / 3 // Math is fun!
lx, ly = px, py
sinTheta, cosTheta := math.Sin(rotX), math.Cos(rotX)
ldx, ldy := ellipsePrime(points[0], points[1], sinTheta, cosTheta, etaStart, cx, cy)
for i := 1; i <= segs; i++ {
eta := etaStart + dEta*float64(i)
var px, py float64
if i == segs {
px, py = points[5], points[6] // Just makes the end point exact; no roundoff error
} else {
px, py = ellipsePointAt(points[0], points[1], sinTheta, cosTheta, eta, cx, cy)
dx, dy := ellipsePrime(points[0], points[1], sinTheta, cosTheta, eta, cx, cy)
p.CubeBezier(ToFixedP(lx+alpha*ldx, ly+alpha*ldy),
ToFixedP(px-alpha*dx, py-alpha*dy), ToFixedP(px, py))
lx, ly, ldx, ldy = px, py, dx, dy
return lx, ly
// ellipsePrime gives tangent vectors for parameterized elipse; a, b, radii, eta parameter, center cx, cy
func ellipsePrime(a, b, sinTheta, cosTheta, eta, cx, cy float64) (px, py float64) {
bCosEta := b * math.Cos(eta)
aSinEta := a * math.Sin(eta)
px = -aSinEta*cosTheta - bCosEta*sinTheta
py = -aSinEta*sinTheta + bCosEta*cosTheta
// ellipsePointAt gives points for parameterized elipse; a, b, radii, eta parameter, center cx, cy
func ellipsePointAt(a, b, sinTheta, cosTheta, eta, cx, cy float64) (px, py float64) {
aCosEta := a * math.Cos(eta)
bSinEta := b * math.Sin(eta)
px = cx + aCosEta*cosTheta - bSinEta*sinTheta
py = cy + aCosEta*sinTheta + bSinEta*cosTheta
// FindEllipseCenter locates the center of the Ellipse if it exists. If it does not exist,
// the radius values will be increased minimally for a solution to be possible
// while preserving the ra to rb ratio. ra and rb arguments are pointers that can be
// checked after the call to see if the values changed. This method uses coordinate transformations
// to reduce the problem to finding the center of a circle that includes the origin
// and an arbitrary point. The center of the circle is then transformed
// back to the original coordinates and returned.
func FindEllipseCenter(ra, rb *float64, rotX, startX, startY, endX, endY float64, sweep, smallArc bool) (cx, cy float64) {
cos, sin := math.Cos(rotX), math.Sin(rotX)
// Move origin to start point
nx, ny := endX-startX, endY-startY
// Rotate ellipse x-axis to coordinate x-axis
nx, ny = nx*cos+ny*sin, -nx*sin+ny*cos
// Scale X dimension so that ra = rb
nx *= *rb / *ra // Now the ellipse is a circle radius rb; therefore foci and center coincide
midX, midY := nx/2, ny/2
midlenSq := midX*midX + midY*midY
var hr float64
if *rb**rb < midlenSq {
// Requested ellipse does not exist; scale ra, rb to fit. Length of
// span is greater than max width of ellipse, must scale *ra, *rb
nrb := math.Sqrt(midlenSq)
if *ra == *rb {
*ra = nrb // prevents roundoff
} else {
*ra = *ra * nrb / *rb
*rb = nrb
} else {
hr = math.Sqrt(*rb**rb-midlenSq) / math.Sqrt(midlenSq)
// Notice that if hr is zero, both answers are the same.
if (sweep && smallArc) || (!sweep && !smallArc) {
cx = midX + midY*hr
cy = midY - midX*hr
} else {
cx = midX - midY*hr
cy = midY + midX*hr
// reverse scale
cx *= *ra / *rb
//Reverse rotate and translate back to original coordinates
return cx*cos - cy*sin + startX, cx*sin + cy*cos + startY