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2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00
// Copyright 2017 by the rasterx Authors. All rights reserved.
// created: 2017 by S.R.Wiley
package rasterx
import (
const (
cubicsPerHalfCircle = 8 // Number of cubic beziers to approx half a circle
epsilonFixed = fixed.Int26_6(16) // 1/4 in fixed point
// fixed point t paramaterization shift factor;
// (2^this)/64 is the max length of t for fixed.Int26_6
tStrokeShift = 14
type (
// JoinMode type to specify how segments join.
JoinMode uint8
// CapFunc defines a function that draws caps on the ends of lines
CapFunc func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6)
// GapFunc defines a function to bridge gaps when the miter limit is
// exceeded
GapFunc func(p Adder, a, tNorm, lNorm fixed.Point26_6)
// C2Point represents a point that connects two stroke segments
// and holds the tangent, normal and radius of curvature
// of the trailing and leading segments in fixed point values.
C2Point struct {
P, TTan, LTan, TNorm, LNorm fixed.Point26_6
RT, RL fixed.Int26_6
// Stroker does everything a Filler does, but
// also allows for stroking and dashed stroking in addition to
// filling
Stroker struct {
CapT, CapL CapFunc // Trailing and leading cap funcs may be set separately
JoinGap GapFunc // When gap appears between segments, this function is called
firstP, trailPoint, leadPoint C2Point // Tracks progress of the stroke
ln fixed.Point26_6 // last normal of intra-seg connection.
u, mLimit fixed.Int26_6 // u is the half-width of the stroke.
JoinMode JoinMode
inStroke bool
// JoinMode constants determine how stroke segments bridge the gap at a join
// ArcClip mode is like MiterClip applied to arcs, and is not part of the SVG2.0
// standard.
const (
Arc JoinMode = iota
// NewStroker returns a ptr to a Stroker with default values.
// A Stroker has all of the capabilities of a Filler and Scanner, plus the ability
// to stroke curves with solid lines. Use SetStroke to configure with non-default
// values.
func NewStroker(width, height int, scanner Scanner) *Stroker {
r := new(Stroker)
r.Scanner = scanner
r.SetBounds(width, height)
//Defaults for stroking
r.u = 2 << 6
r.mLimit = 4 << 6
r.JoinMode = MiterClip
r.JoinGap = RoundGap
r.CapL = RoundCap
r.CapT = RoundCap
r.SetStroke(1<<6, 4<<6, ButtCap, nil, FlatGap, MiterClip)
return r
// SetStroke set the parameters for stroking a line. width is the width of the line, miterlimit is the miter cutoff
// value for miter, arc, miterclip and arcClip joinModes. CapL and CapT are the capping functions for leading and trailing
// line ends. If one is nil, the other function is used at both ends. If both are nil, both ends are ButtCapped.
// gp is the gap function that determines how a gap on the convex side of two joining lines is filled. jm is the JoinMode
// for curve segments.
func (r *Stroker) SetStroke(width, miterLimit fixed.Int26_6, capL, capT CapFunc, gp GapFunc, jm JoinMode) {
r.u = width / 2
r.CapL = capL
r.CapT = capT
r.JoinMode = jm
r.JoinGap = gp
r.mLimit = (r.u * miterLimit) >> 6
if r.CapT == nil {
if r.CapL == nil {
r.CapT = ButtCap
} else {
r.CapT = r.CapL
if r.CapL == nil {
r.CapL = r.CapT
if gp == nil {
if r.JoinMode == Round {
r.JoinGap = RoundGap
} else {
r.JoinGap = FlatGap
// GapToCap is a utility that converts a CapFunc to GapFunc
func GapToCap(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6, gf GapFunc) {
gf(p, a, eNorm, Invert(eNorm))
var (
// ButtCap caps lines with a straight line
ButtCap CapFunc = func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
// SquareCap caps lines with a square which is slightly longer than ButtCap
SquareCap CapFunc = func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
tpt := a.Add(turnStarboard90(eNorm))
// RoundCap caps lines with a half-circle
RoundCap CapFunc = func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
GapToCap(p, a, eNorm, RoundGap)
// CubicCap caps lines with a cubic bezier
CubicCap CapFunc = func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
GapToCap(p, a, eNorm, CubicGap)
// QuadraticCap caps lines with a quadratic bezier
QuadraticCap CapFunc = func(p Adder, a, eNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
GapToCap(p, a, eNorm, QuadraticGap)
// Gap functions
//FlatGap bridges miter-limit gaps with a straight line
FlatGap GapFunc = func(p Adder, a, tNorm, lNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
// RoundGap bridges miter-limit gaps with a circular arc
RoundGap GapFunc = func(p Adder, a, tNorm, lNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
strokeArc(p, a, a.Add(tNorm), a.Add(lNorm), true, 0, 0, p.Line)
p.Line(a.Add(lNorm)) // just to be sure line joins cleanly,
// last pt in stoke arc may not be precisely s2
// CubicGap bridges miter-limit gaps with a cubic bezier
CubicGap GapFunc = func(p Adder, a, tNorm, lNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
p.CubeBezier(a.Add(tNorm).Add(turnStarboard90(tNorm)), a.Add(lNorm).Add(turnPort90(lNorm)), a.Add(lNorm))
// QuadraticGap bridges miter-limit gaps with a quadratic bezier
QuadraticGap GapFunc = func(p Adder, a, tNorm, lNorm fixed.Point26_6) {
c1, c2 := a.Add(tNorm).Add(turnStarboard90(tNorm)), a.Add(lNorm).Add(turnPort90(lNorm))
cm := c1.Add(c2).Mul(fixed.Int26_6(1 << 5))
p.QuadBezier(cm, a.Add(lNorm))
// StrokeArc strokes a circular arc by approximation with bezier curves
func strokeArc(p Adder, a, s1, s2 fixed.Point26_6, clockwise bool, trimStart,
trimEnd fixed.Int26_6, firstPoint func(p fixed.Point26_6)) (ps1, ds1, ps2, ds2 fixed.Point26_6) {
// Approximate the circular arc using a set of cubic bezier curves by the method of
// L. Maisonobe, "Drawing an elliptical arc using polylines, quadratic
// or cubic Bezier curves", 2003
// The method was simplified for circles.
theta1 := math.Atan2(float64(s1.Y-a.Y), float64(s1.X-a.X))
theta2 := math.Atan2(float64(s2.Y-a.Y), float64(s2.X-a.X))
if !clockwise {
for theta1 < theta2 {
theta1 += math.Pi * 2
} else {
for theta2 < theta1 {
theta2 += math.Pi * 2
deltaTheta := theta2 - theta1
if trimStart > 0 {
ds := (deltaTheta * float64(trimStart)) / float64(1<<tStrokeShift)
deltaTheta -= ds
theta1 += ds
if trimEnd > 0 {
ds := (deltaTheta * float64(trimEnd)) / float64(1<<tStrokeShift)
deltaTheta -= ds
segs := int(math.Abs(deltaTheta)/(math.Pi/cubicsPerHalfCircle)) + 1
dTheta := deltaTheta / float64(segs)
tde := math.Tan(dTheta / 2)
alpha := fixed.Int26_6(math.Sin(dTheta) * (math.Sqrt(4+3*tde*tde) - 1) * (64.0 / 3.0)) // Math is fun!
r := float64(Length(s1.Sub(a))) // Note r is *64
ldp := fixed.Point26_6{X: -fixed.Int26_6(r * math.Sin(theta1)), Y: fixed.Int26_6(r * math.Cos(theta1))}
ds1 = ldp
ps1 = fixed.Point26_6{X: a.X + ldp.Y, Y: a.Y - ldp.X}
s1 = ps1
for i := 1; i <= segs; i++ {
eta := theta1 + dTheta*float64(i)
ds2 = fixed.Point26_6{X: -fixed.Int26_6(r * math.Sin(eta)), Y: fixed.Int26_6(r * math.Cos(eta))}
ps2 = fixed.Point26_6{X: a.X + ds2.Y, Y: a.Y - ds2.X} // Using deriviative to calc new pt, because circle
p1 := s1.Add(ldp.Mul(alpha))
p2 := ps2.Sub(ds2.Mul(alpha))
p.CubeBezier(p1, p2, ps2)
s1, ldp = ps2, ds2
// Joiner is called when two segments of a stroke are joined. it is exposed
// so that if can be wrapped to generate callbacks for the join points.
func (r *Stroker) Joiner(p C2Point) {
crossProd := p.LNorm.X*p.TNorm.Y - p.TNorm.X*p.LNorm.Y
// stroke bottom edge, with the reverse of p
r.strokeEdge(C2Point{P: p.P, TNorm: Invert(p.LNorm), LNorm: Invert(p.TNorm),
TTan: Invert(p.LTan), LTan: Invert(p.TTan), RT: -p.RL, RL: -p.RT}, -crossProd)
// stroke top edge
r.strokeEdge(p, crossProd)
// strokeEdge reduces code redundancy in the Joiner function by 2x since it handles
// the top and bottom edges. This function encodes most of the logic of how to
// handle joins between the given C2Point point p, and the end of the line.
func (r *Stroker) strokeEdge(p C2Point, crossProd fixed.Int26_6) {
ra := &r.Filler
s1, s2 := p.P.Add(p.TNorm), p.P.Add(p.LNorm) // Bevel points for top leading and trailing
if crossProd > -epsilonFixed*epsilonFixed { // Almost co-linear or convex
return // No need to fill any gaps
var ct, cl fixed.Point26_6 // Center of curvature trailing, leading
var rt, rl fixed.Int26_6 // Radius of curvature trailing, leading
// Adjust radiuses for stroke width
if r.JoinMode == Arc || r.JoinMode == ArcClip {
// Find centers of radius of curvature and adjust the radius to be drawn
// by half the stroke width.
if p.RT != 0 {
if p.RT > 0 {
ct = p.P.Add(ToLength(turnPort90(p.TTan), p.RT))
rt = p.RT - r.u
} else {
ct = p.P.Sub(ToLength(turnPort90(p.TTan), -p.RT))
rt = -p.RT + r.u
if rt < 0 {
rt = 0
if p.RL != 0 {
if p.RL > 0 {
cl = p.P.Add(ToLength(turnPort90(p.LTan), p.RL))
rl = p.RL - r.u
} else {
cl = p.P.Sub(ToLength(turnPort90(p.LTan), -p.RL))
rl = -p.RL + r.u
if rl < 0 {
rl = 0
if r.JoinMode == MiterClip || r.JoinMode == Miter ||
// Arc or ArcClip with 0 tRadCurve and 0 lRadCurve is treated the same as a
// Miter or MiterClip join, resp.
((r.JoinMode == Arc || r.JoinMode == ArcClip) && (rt == 0 && rl == 0)) {
xt := CalcIntersect(s1.Sub(p.TTan), s1, s2, s2.Sub(p.LTan))
xa := xt.Sub(p.P)
if Length(xa) < r.mLimit { // within miter limit
if r.JoinMode == MiterClip || (r.JoinMode == ArcClip) {
//Projection of tNorm onto xa
tProjP := xa.Mul(fixed.Int26_6((DotProd(xa, p.TNorm) << 6) / DotProd(xa, xa)))
projLen := Length(tProjP)
if r.mLimit > projLen { // the miter limit line is past the bevel point
// t is the fraction shifted by tStrokeShift to scale the vectors from the bevel point
// to the line intersection, so that they abbut the miter limit line.
tiLength := Length(xa)
sx1, sx2 := xt.Sub(s1), xt.Sub(s2)
t := (r.mLimit - projLen) << tStrokeShift / (tiLength - projLen)
tx := ToLength(sx1, t*Length(sx1)>>tStrokeShift)
lx := ToLength(sx2, t*Length(sx2)>>tStrokeShift)
vx := ToLength(xa, t*Length(xa)>>tStrokeShift)
s1p, _, ap := s1.Add(tx), s2.Add(lx), p.P.Add(vx)
gLen := Length(ap.Sub(s1p))
r.JoinGap(ra, ap, ToLength(turnPort90(p.TTan), gLen), ToLength(turnPort90(p.LTan), gLen))
} // Fallthrough
} else if r.JoinMode == Arc || r.JoinMode == ArcClip {
// Test for cases of a bezier meeting line, an line meeting a bezier,
// or a bezier meeting a bezier. (Line meeting line is handled above.)
switch {
case rt == 0: // rl != 0, because one must be non-zero as checked above
xt, intersect := RayCircleIntersection(s1.Add(p.TTan), s1, cl, rl)
if intersect {
ray1, ray2 := xt.Sub(cl), s2.Sub(cl)
clockwise := (ray1.X*ray2.Y > ray1.Y*ray2.X) // Sign of xprod
if Length(p.P.Sub(xt)) < r.mLimit { // within miter limit
strokeArc(ra, cl, xt, s2, clockwise, 0, 0, ra.Line)
// Not within miter limit line
if r.JoinMode == ArcClip { // Scale bevel points towards xt, and call gap func
xa := xt.Sub(p.P)
//Projection of tNorm onto xa
tProjP := xa.Mul(fixed.Int26_6((DotProd(xa, p.TNorm) << 6) / DotProd(xa, xa)))
projLen := Length(tProjP)
if r.mLimit > projLen { // the miter limit line is past the bevel point
// t is the fraction shifted by tStrokeShift to scale the line or arc from the bevel point
// to the line intersection, so that they abbut the miter limit line.
sx1 := xt.Sub(s1) //, xt.Sub(s2)
t := fixed.Int26_6(1<<tStrokeShift) - ((r.mLimit - projLen) << tStrokeShift / (Length(xa) - projLen))
tx := ToLength(sx1, t*Length(sx1)>>tStrokeShift)
s1p := xt.Sub(tx)
sp1, ds1, ps2, _ := strokeArc(ra, cl, xt, s2, clockwise, t, 0, ra.Start)
// calc gap center as pt where -tnorm and line perp to midcoord
midP := sp1.Add(s1p).Mul(fixed.Int26_6(1 << 5)) // midpoint
midLine := turnPort90(midP.Sub(sp1))
if midLine.X*midLine.X+midLine.Y*midLine.Y > epsilonFixed { // if midline is zero, CalcIntersect is invalid
ap := CalcIntersect(s1p, s1p.Sub(p.TNorm), midLine.Add(midP), midP)
gLen := Length(ap.Sub(s1p))
if clockwise {
ds1 = Invert(ds1)
r.JoinGap(ra, ap, ToLength(turnPort90(p.TTan), gLen), ToLength(turnStarboard90(ds1), gLen))
//Bevel points not past miter limit: fallthrough
case rl == 0: // rt != 0, because one must be non-zero as checked above
xt, intersect := RayCircleIntersection(s2.Sub(p.LTan), s2, ct, rt)
if intersect {
ray1, ray2 := s1.Sub(ct), xt.Sub(ct)
clockwise := ray1.X*ray2.Y > ray1.Y*ray2.X
if Length(p.P.Sub(xt)) < r.mLimit { // within miter limit
strokeArc(ra, ct, s1, xt, clockwise, 0, 0, ra.Line)
// Not within miter limit line
if r.JoinMode == ArcClip { // Scale bevel points towards xt, and call gap func
xa := xt.Sub(p.P)
//Projection of lNorm onto xa
lProjP := xa.Mul(fixed.Int26_6((DotProd(xa, p.LNorm) << 6) / DotProd(xa, xa)))
projLen := Length(lProjP)
if r.mLimit > projLen { // The miter limit line is past the bevel point,
// t is the fraction to scale the line or arc from the bevel point
// to the line intersection, so that they abbut the miter limit line.
sx2 := xt.Sub(s2)
t := fixed.Int26_6(1<<tStrokeShift) - ((r.mLimit - projLen) << tStrokeShift / (Length(xa) - projLen))
lx := ToLength(sx2, t*Length(sx2)>>tStrokeShift)
s2p := xt.Sub(lx)
_, _, ps2, ds2 := strokeArc(ra, ct, s1, xt, clockwise, 0, t, ra.Line)
// calc gap center as pt where -lnorm and line perp to midcoord
midP := s2p.Add(ps2).Mul(fixed.Int26_6(1 << 5)) // midpoint
midLine := turnStarboard90(midP.Sub(ps2))
if midLine.X*midLine.X+midLine.Y*midLine.Y > epsilonFixed { // if midline is zero, CalcIntersect is invalid
ap := CalcIntersect(midP, midLine.Add(midP), s2p, s2p.Sub(p.LNorm))
gLen := Length(ap.Sub(ps2))
if clockwise {
ds2 = Invert(ds2)
r.JoinGap(ra, ap, ToLength(turnStarboard90(ds2), gLen), ToLength(turnPort90(p.LTan), gLen))
//Bevel points not past miter limit: fallthrough
default: // Both rl != 0 and rt != 0 as checked above
xt1, xt2, gIntersect := CircleCircleIntersection(ct, cl, rt, rl)
xt, intersect := ClosestPortside(s1, s2, xt1, xt2, gIntersect)
if intersect {
ray1, ray2 := s1.Sub(ct), xt.Sub(ct)
clockwiseT := (ray1.X*ray2.Y > ray1.Y*ray2.X)
ray1, ray2 = xt.Sub(cl), s2.Sub(cl)
clockwiseL := ray1.X*ray2.Y > ray1.Y*ray2.X
if Length(p.P.Sub(xt)) < r.mLimit { // within miter limit
strokeArc(ra, ct, s1, xt, clockwiseT, 0, 0, ra.Line)
strokeArc(ra, cl, xt, s2, clockwiseL, 0, 0, ra.Line)
if r.JoinMode == ArcClip { // Scale bevel points towards xt, and call gap func
xa := xt.Sub(p.P)
//Projection of lNorm onto xa
lProjP := xa.Mul(fixed.Int26_6((DotProd(xa, p.LNorm) << 6) / DotProd(xa, xa)))
projLen := Length(lProjP)
if r.mLimit > projLen { // The miter limit line is past the bevel point,
// t is the fraction to scale the line or arc from the bevel point
// to the line intersection, so that they abbut the miter limit line.
t := fixed.Int26_6(1<<tStrokeShift) - ((r.mLimit - projLen) << tStrokeShift / (Length(xa) - projLen))
_, _, ps1, ds1 := strokeArc(ra, ct, s1, xt, clockwiseT, 0, t, r.Filler.Line)
ps2, ds2, fs2, _ := strokeArc(ra, cl, xt, s2, clockwiseL, t, 0, ra.Start)
midP := ps1.Add(ps2).Mul(fixed.Int26_6(1 << 5)) // midpoint
midLine := turnStarboard90(midP.Sub(ps1))
if midLine.X*midLine.X+midLine.Y*midLine.Y > epsilonFixed { // if midline is zero, CalcIntersect is invalid
if clockwiseT {
ds1 = Invert(ds1)
if clockwiseL {
ds2 = Invert(ds2)
ap := CalcIntersect(midP, midLine.Add(midP), ps2, ps2.Sub(turnStarboard90(ds2)))
gLen := Length(ap.Sub(ps2))
r.JoinGap(ra, ap, ToLength(turnStarboard90(ds1), gLen), ToLength(turnStarboard90(ds2), gLen))
// fallthrough to final JoinGap
r.JoinGap(ra, p.P, p.TNorm, p.LNorm)
// Stop a stroked line. The line will close
// is isClosed is true. Otherwise end caps will
// be drawn at both ends.
func (r *Stroker) Stop(isClosed bool) {
if r.inStroke == false {
rf := &r.Filler
if isClosed {
if r.firstP.P != rf.a {
a := rf.a
r.firstP.TNorm = r.leadPoint.TNorm
r.firstP.RT = r.leadPoint.RT
r.firstP.TTan = r.leadPoint.TTan
} else {
a := rf.a
r.CapL(rf, r.leadPoint.P, r.leadPoint.TNorm)
r.CapT(rf, r.firstP.P, Invert(r.firstP.LNorm))
r.inStroke = false
// QuadBezier starts a stroked quadratic bezier.
func (r *Stroker) QuadBezier(b, c fixed.Point26_6) {
r.quadBezierf(r, b, c)
// CubeBezier starts a stroked quadratic bezier.
func (r *Stroker) CubeBezier(b, c, d fixed.Point26_6) {
r.cubeBezierf(r, b, c, d)
// quadBezierf calcs end curvature of beziers
func (r *Stroker) quadBezierf(s Rasterx, b, c fixed.Point26_6) {
r.trailPoint = r.leadPoint
r.CalcEndCurvature(r.a, b, c, c, b, r.a, fixed.Int52_12(2<<12), doCalcCurvature(s))
r.QuadBezierF(s, b, c)
r.a = c
// doCalcCurvature determines if calculation of the end curvature is required
// depending on the raster type and JoinMode
func doCalcCurvature(r Rasterx) bool {
switch q := r.(type) {
case *Filler:
return false // never for filler
case *Stroker:
return (q.JoinMode == Arc || q.JoinMode == ArcClip)
case *Dasher:
return (q.JoinMode == Arc || q.JoinMode == ArcClip)
return true // Better safe than sorry if another raster type is used
func (r *Stroker) cubeBezierf(sgm Rasterx, b, c, d fixed.Point26_6) {
if (r.a == b && c == d) || (r.a == b && b == c) || (c == b && d == c) {
r.trailPoint = r.leadPoint
// Only calculate curvature if stroking or and using arc or arc-clip
doCalcCurve := doCalcCurvature(sgm)
const dm = fixed.Int52_12((3 << 12) / 2)
switch {
// b != c, and c != d see above
case r.a == b:
r.CalcEndCurvature(b, c, d, d, c, b, dm, doCalcCurve)
// b != a, and b != c, see above
case c == d:
r.CalcEndCurvature(r.a, b, c, c, b, r.a, dm, doCalcCurve)
r.CalcEndCurvature(r.a, b, c, d, c, b, dm, doCalcCurve)
r.CubeBezierF(sgm, b, c, d)
r.a = d
// Line adds a line segment to the rasterizer
func (r *Stroker) Line(b fixed.Point26_6) {
r.LineSeg(r, b)
//LineSeg is called by both the Stroker and Dasher
func (r *Stroker) LineSeg(sgm Rasterx, b fixed.Point26_6) {
r.trailPoint = r.leadPoint
ba := b.Sub(r.a)
if ba.X == 0 && ba.Y == 0 { // a == b, line is degenerate
if r.trailPoint.TTan.X != 0 || r.trailPoint.TTan.Y != 0 {
ba = r.trailPoint.TTan // Use last tangent for seg tangent
} else { // Must be on top of last moveto; set ba to X axis unit vector
ba = fixed.Point26_6{X: 1 << 6, Y: 0}
bnorm := turnPort90(ToLength(ba, r.u))
r.trailPoint.LTan = ba
r.leadPoint.TTan = ba
r.trailPoint.LNorm = bnorm
r.leadPoint.TNorm = bnorm
r.trailPoint.RL = 0.0
r.leadPoint.RT = 0.0
r.trailPoint.P = r.a
r.leadPoint.P = b
r.a = b
// lineF is for intra-curve lines. It is required for the Rasterizer interface
// so that if the line is being stroked or dash stroked, different actions can be
// taken.
func (r *Stroker) lineF(b fixed.Point26_6) {
// b is either an intra-segment value, or
// the end of the segment.
var bnorm fixed.Point26_6
a := r.a // Hold a since r.a is going to change during stroke operation
if b == r.leadPoint.P { // End of segment
bnorm = r.leadPoint.TNorm // Use more accurate leadPoint tangent
} else {
bnorm = turnPort90(ToLength(b.Sub(a), r.u)) // Intra segment normal
ra := &r.Filler
r.a = b
r.ln = bnorm
// Start iniitates a stroked path
func (r *Stroker) Start(a fixed.Point26_6) {
r.inStroke = false
// CalcEndCurvature calculates the radius of curvature given the control points
// of a bezier curve.
// It is a low level function exposed for the purposes of callbacks
// and debugging.
func (r *Stroker) CalcEndCurvature(p0, p1, p2, q0, q1, q2 fixed.Point26_6,
dm fixed.Int52_12, calcRadCuve bool) {
r.trailPoint.P = p0
r.leadPoint.P = q0
r.trailPoint.LTan = p1.Sub(p0)
r.leadPoint.TTan = q0.Sub(q1)
r.trailPoint.LNorm = turnPort90(ToLength(r.trailPoint.LTan, r.u))
r.leadPoint.TNorm = turnPort90(ToLength(r.leadPoint.TTan, r.u))
if calcRadCuve {
r.trailPoint.RL = RadCurvature(p0, p1, p2, dm)
r.leadPoint.RT = -RadCurvature(q0, q1, q2, dm)
} else {
r.trailPoint.RL = 0
r.leadPoint.RT = 0
func (r *Stroker) joinF() {
if r.inStroke == false {
r.inStroke = true
r.firstP = r.trailPoint
} else {
ra := &r.Filler
tl := r.trailPoint.P.Sub(r.trailPoint.TNorm)
th := r.trailPoint.P.Add(r.trailPoint.TNorm)
if r.a != r.trailPoint.P || r.ln != r.trailPoint.TNorm {
a := r.a
r.ln = r.trailPoint.LNorm
r.a = r.trailPoint.P
// blackWidowMark handles a gap in a stroke that can occur when a line end is too close
// to a segment to segment join point. Although it is only required in those cases,
// at this point, no code has been written to properly detect when it is needed,
// so for now it just draws by default.
func (jp *C2Point) blackWidowMark(ra Adder) {
xprod := jp.TNorm.X*jp.LNorm.Y - jp.TNorm.Y*jp.LNorm.X
if xprod > epsilonFixed*epsilonFixed {
tl := jp.P.Sub(jp.TNorm)
ll := jp.P.Sub(jp.LNorm)
} else if xprod < -epsilonFixed*epsilonFixed {
th := jp.P.Add(jp.TNorm)
lh := jp.P.Add(jp.LNorm)