package widget import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // allTreeNodesID represents all tree nodes when refreshing requested nodes const allTreeNodesID = "_ALLNODES" // TreeNodeID represents the unique id of a tree node. type TreeNodeID = string // Declare conformity with interfaces var _ fyne.Focusable = (*Tree)(nil) var _ fyne.Widget = (*Tree)(nil) // Tree widget displays hierarchical data. // Each node of the tree must be identified by a Unique TreeNodeID. // // Since: 1.4 type Tree struct { BaseWidget Root TreeNodeID ChildUIDs func(uid TreeNodeID) (c []TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Return a sorted slice of Children TreeNodeIDs for the given Node TreeNodeID CreateNode func(branch bool) (o fyne.CanvasObject) `json:"-"` // Return a CanvasObject that can represent a Branch (if branch is true), or a Leaf (if branch is false) IsBranch func(uid TreeNodeID) (ok bool) `json:"-"` // Return true if the given TreeNodeID represents a Branch OnBranchClosed func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when a Branch is closed OnBranchOpened func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when a Branch is opened OnSelected func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when the Node with the given TreeNodeID is selected. OnUnselected func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when the Node with the given TreeNodeID is unselected. UpdateNode func(uid TreeNodeID, branch bool, node fyne.CanvasObject) `json:"-"` // Called to update the given CanvasObject to represent the data at the given TreeNodeID branchMinSize fyne.Size currentFocus TreeNodeID focused bool leafMinSize fyne.Size offset fyne.Position open map[TreeNodeID]bool scroller *widget.Scroll selected []TreeNodeID } // NewTree returns a new performant tree widget defined by the passed functions. // childUIDs returns the child TreeNodeIDs of the given node. // isBranch returns true if the given node is a branch, false if it is a leaf. // create returns a new template object that can be cached. // update is used to apply data at specified data location to the passed template CanvasObject. // // Since: 1.4 func NewTree(childUIDs func(TreeNodeID) []TreeNodeID, isBranch func(TreeNodeID) bool, create func(bool) fyne.CanvasObject, update func(TreeNodeID, bool, fyne.CanvasObject)) *Tree { t := &Tree{ChildUIDs: childUIDs, IsBranch: isBranch, CreateNode: create, UpdateNode: update} t.ExtendBaseWidget(t) return t } // NewTreeWithData creates a new tree widget that will display the contents of the provided data. // // Since: 2.4 func NewTreeWithData(data binding.DataTree, createItem func(bool) fyne.CanvasObject, updateItem func(binding.DataItem, bool, fyne.CanvasObject)) *Tree { t := NewTree( data.ChildIDs, func(id TreeNodeID) bool { children := data.ChildIDs(id) return len(children) > 0 }, createItem, func(i TreeNodeID, branch bool, o fyne.CanvasObject) { item, err := data.GetItem(i) if err != nil { fyne.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting data item %s", i), err) return } updateItem(item, branch, o) }) data.AddListener(binding.NewDataListener(t.Refresh)) return t } // NewTreeWithStrings creates a new tree with the given string map. // Data must contain a mapping for the root, which defaults to empty string (""). // // Since: 1.4 func NewTreeWithStrings(data map[string][]string) (t *Tree) { t = &Tree{ ChildUIDs: func(uid string) (c []string) { c = data[uid] return }, IsBranch: func(uid string) (b bool) { _, b = data[uid] return }, CreateNode: func(branch bool) fyne.CanvasObject { return NewLabel("Template Object") }, UpdateNode: func(uid string, branch bool, node fyne.CanvasObject) { node.(*Label).SetText(uid) }, } t.ExtendBaseWidget(t) return } // CloseAllBranches closes all branches in the tree. func (t *Tree) CloseAllBranches() { t.propertyLock.Lock() = make(map[TreeNodeID]bool) t.propertyLock.Unlock() t.Refresh() } // CloseBranch closes the branch with the given TreeNodeID. func (t *Tree) CloseBranch(uid TreeNodeID) { t.ensureOpenMap() t.propertyLock.Lock()[uid] = false t.propertyLock.Unlock() if f := t.OnBranchClosed; f != nil { f(uid) } t.Refresh() } // CreateRenderer is a private method to Fyne which links this widget to its renderer. func (t *Tree) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer { t.ExtendBaseWidget(t) c := newTreeContent(t) s := widget.NewScroll(c) t.scroller = s r := &treeRenderer{ BaseRenderer: widget.NewBaseRenderer([]fyne.CanvasObject{s}), tree: t, content: c, scroller: s, } s.OnScrolled = t.offsetUpdated r.updateMinSizes() r.content.viewport = r.MinSize() return r } // IsBranchOpen returns true if the branch with the given TreeNodeID is expanded. func (t *Tree) IsBranchOpen(uid TreeNodeID) bool { if uid == t.Root { return true // Root is always open } t.ensureOpenMap() t.propertyLock.RLock() defer t.propertyLock.RUnlock() return[uid] } // FocusGained is called after this Tree has gained focus. // // Implements: fyne.Focusable func (t *Tree) FocusGained() { if t.currentFocus == "" { if childUIDs := t.ChildUIDs; childUIDs != nil { if ids := childUIDs(""); len(ids) > 0 { t.currentFocus = ids[0] } } } t.focused = true t.ScrollTo(t.currentFocus) t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) } // FocusLost is called after this Tree has lost focus. // // Implements: fyne.Focusable func (t *Tree) FocusLost() { t.focused = false t.Refresh() //Item(t.currentFocus) } // MinSize returns the size that this widget should not shrink below. func (t *Tree) MinSize() fyne.Size { t.ExtendBaseWidget(t) return t.BaseWidget.MinSize() } // RefreshItem refreshes a single item, specified by the item ID passed in. // // Since: 2.4 func (t *Tree) RefreshItem(id TreeNodeID) { if t.scroller == nil { return } r := cache.Renderer(t.scroller.Content.(*treeContent)) if r == nil { return } r.(*treeContentRenderer).refreshForID(id) } // OpenAllBranches opens all branches in the tree. func (t *Tree) OpenAllBranches() { t.ensureOpenMap() t.walkAll(func(uid, parent TreeNodeID, branch bool, depth int) { if branch { t.propertyLock.Lock()[uid] = true t.propertyLock.Unlock() } }) t.Refresh() } // OpenBranch opens the branch with the given TreeNodeID. func (t *Tree) OpenBranch(uid TreeNodeID) { t.ensureOpenMap() t.propertyLock.Lock()[uid] = true t.propertyLock.Unlock() if f := t.OnBranchOpened; f != nil { f(uid) } t.Refresh() } // Resize sets a new size for a widget. func (t *Tree) Resize(size fyne.Size) { t.propertyLock.RLock() s := t.size t.propertyLock.RUnlock() if s == size { return } t.propertyLock.Lock() t.size = size t.propertyLock.Unlock() t.Refresh() // trigger a redraw } // ScrollToBottom scrolls to the bottom of the tree. // // Since 2.1 func (t *Tree) ScrollToBottom() { if t.scroller == nil { return } y, size := t.findBottom() t.scroller.Offset.Y = y + size.Height - t.scroller.Size().Height t.offsetUpdated(t.scroller.Offset) t.Refresh() } // ScrollTo scrolls to the node with the given id. // // Since 2.1 func (t *Tree) ScrollTo(uid TreeNodeID) { if t.scroller == nil { return } y, size, ok := t.offsetAndSize(uid) if !ok { return } // TODO scrolling to a node should open all parents if they aren't already if y < t.scroller.Offset.Y { t.scroller.Offset.Y = y } else if y+size.Height > t.scroller.Offset.Y+t.scroller.Size().Height { t.scroller.Offset.Y = y + size.Height - t.scroller.Size().Height } t.offsetUpdated(t.scroller.Offset) t.Refresh() } // ScrollToTop scrolls to the top of the tree. // // Since 2.1 func (t *Tree) ScrollToTop() { if t.scroller == nil { return } t.scroller.Offset.Y = 0 t.offsetUpdated(t.scroller.Offset) t.Refresh() } // Select marks the specified node to be selected. func (t *Tree) Select(uid TreeNodeID) { if len(t.selected) > 0 { if uid == t.selected[0] { return // no change } if f := t.OnUnselected; f != nil { f(t.selected[0]) } } t.selected = []TreeNodeID{uid} t.ScrollTo(uid) if f := t.OnSelected; f != nil { f(uid) } } // ToggleBranch flips the state of the branch with the given TreeNodeID. func (t *Tree) ToggleBranch(uid string) { if t.IsBranchOpen(uid) { t.CloseBranch(uid) } else { t.OpenBranch(uid) } } // TypedKey is called if a key event happens while this Tree is focused. // // Implements: fyne.Focusable func (t *Tree) TypedKey(event *fyne.KeyEvent) { switch event.Name { case fyne.KeySpace: t.Select(t.currentFocus) case fyne.KeyDown: t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) next := false t.walk(t.Root, "", 0, func(id, p TreeNodeID, _ bool, _ int) { if next { t.currentFocus = id next = false } else if id == t.currentFocus { next = true } }) t.ScrollTo(t.currentFocus) t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) case fyne.KeyLeft: // If the current focus is on a branch which is open, just close it if t.IsBranch(t.currentFocus) && t.IsBranchOpen(t.currentFocus) { t.CloseBranch(t.currentFocus) } else { // Every other case should move the focus to the current parent node t.walk(t.Root, "", 0, func(id, p TreeNodeID, _ bool, _ int) { if id == t.currentFocus && p != "" { t.currentFocus = p } }) } t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) t.ScrollTo(t.currentFocus) t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) case fyne.KeyRight: if t.IsBranch(t.currentFocus) { t.OpenBranch(t.currentFocus) } children := []TreeNodeID{} if childUIDs := t.ChildUIDs; childUIDs != nil { children = childUIDs(t.currentFocus) } if len(children) > 0 { t.currentFocus = children[0] } t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) t.ScrollTo(t.currentFocus) t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) case fyne.KeyUp: t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) previous := "" t.walk(t.Root, "", 0, func(id, p TreeNodeID, _ bool, _ int) { if id == t.currentFocus && previous != "" { t.currentFocus = previous } previous = id }) t.ScrollTo(t.currentFocus) t.RefreshItem(t.currentFocus) } } // TypedRune is called if a text event happens while this Tree is focused. // // Implements: fyne.Focusable func (t *Tree) TypedRune(_ rune) { // intentionally left blank } // Unselect marks the specified node to be not selected. func (t *Tree) Unselect(uid TreeNodeID) { if len(t.selected) == 0 || t.selected[0] != uid { return } t.selected = nil t.Refresh() if f := t.OnUnselected; f != nil { f(uid) } } // UnselectAll sets all nodes to be not selected. // // Since: 2.1 func (t *Tree) UnselectAll() { if len(t.selected) == 0 { return } selected := t.selected t.selected = nil t.Refresh() if f := t.OnUnselected; f != nil { for _, uid := range selected { f(uid) } } } func (t *Tree) ensureOpenMap() { t.propertyLock.Lock() defer t.propertyLock.Unlock() if == nil { = make(map[string]bool) } } func (t *Tree) findBottom() (y float32, size fyne.Size) { sep := theme.Padding() t.walkAll(func(id, _ TreeNodeID, branch bool, _ int) { size = t.leafMinSize if branch { size = t.branchMinSize } // Root node is not rendered unless it has been customized if t.Root == "" && id == "" { // This is root node, skip return } // If this is not the first item, add a separator if y > 0 { y += sep } y += size.Height }) if y > 0 { y -= sep } return } func (t *Tree) offsetAndSize(uid TreeNodeID) (y float32, size fyne.Size, found bool) { t.walkAll(func(id, _ TreeNodeID, branch bool, _ int) { m := t.leafMinSize if branch { m = t.branchMinSize } if id == uid { found = true size = m } else if !found { // Root node is not rendered unless it has been customized if t.Root == "" && id == "" { // This is root node, skip return } // If this is not the first item, add a separator if y > 0 { y += theme.Padding() } y += m.Height } }) return } func (t *Tree) offsetUpdated(pos fyne.Position) { if t.offset == pos { return } t.offset = pos t.scroller.Content.Refresh() } func (t *Tree) walk(uid, parent TreeNodeID, depth int, onNode func(TreeNodeID, TreeNodeID, bool, int)) { if isBranch := t.IsBranch; isBranch != nil { if isBranch(uid) { onNode(uid, parent, true, depth) if t.IsBranchOpen(uid) { if childUIDs := t.ChildUIDs; childUIDs != nil { for _, c := range childUIDs(uid) { t.walk(c, uid, depth+1, onNode) } } } } else { onNode(uid, parent, false, depth) } } } // walkAll visits every open node of the tree and calls the given callback with TreeNodeID, whether node is branch, and the depth of node. func (t *Tree) walkAll(onNode func(TreeNodeID, TreeNodeID, bool, int)) { t.walk(t.Root, "", 0, onNode) } var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*treeRenderer)(nil) type treeRenderer struct { widget.BaseRenderer tree *Tree content *treeContent scroller *widget.Scroll } func (r *treeRenderer) MinSize() (min fyne.Size) { min = r.scroller.MinSize() min = min.Max(r.tree.branchMinSize) min = min.Max(r.tree.leafMinSize) return } func (r *treeRenderer) Layout(size fyne.Size) { r.content.viewport = size r.scroller.Resize(size) } func (r *treeRenderer) Refresh() { r.updateMinSizes() s := r.tree.Size() if s.IsZero() { r.tree.Resize(r.tree.MinSize()) } else { r.Layout(s) } r.scroller.Refresh() r.content.Refresh() canvas.Refresh(r.tree.super()) } func (r *treeRenderer) updateMinSizes() { if f := r.tree.CreateNode; f != nil { r.tree.branchMinSize = newBranch(r.tree, f(true)).MinSize() r.tree.leafMinSize = newLeaf(r.tree, f(false)).MinSize() } } var _ fyne.Widget = (*treeContent)(nil) type treeContent struct { BaseWidget tree *Tree viewport fyne.Size } func newTreeContent(tree *Tree) (c *treeContent) { c = &treeContent{ tree: tree, } c.ExtendBaseWidget(c) return } func (c *treeContent) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer { return &treeContentRenderer{ BaseRenderer: widget.BaseRenderer{}, treeContent: c, branches: make(map[string]*branch), leaves: make(map[string]*leaf), branchPool: &syncPool{}, leafPool: &syncPool{}, } } func (c *treeContent) Resize(size fyne.Size) { c.propertyLock.RLock() s := c.size c.propertyLock.RUnlock() if s == size { return } c.propertyLock.Lock() c.size = size c.propertyLock.Unlock() c.Refresh() // trigger a redraw } var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*treeContentRenderer)(nil) type treeContentRenderer struct { widget.BaseRenderer treeContent *treeContent separators []fyne.CanvasObject objects []fyne.CanvasObject branches map[string]*branch leaves map[string]*leaf branchPool pool leafPool pool } func (r *treeContentRenderer) Layout(size fyne.Size) { r.treeContent.propertyLock.Lock() defer r.treeContent.propertyLock.Unlock() r.objects = nil branches := make(map[string]*branch) leaves := make(map[string]*leaf) pad := theme.Padding() offsetY := r.treeContent.tree.offset.Y viewport := r.treeContent.viewport width := fyne.Max(size.Width, viewport.Width) separatorCount := 0 separatorThickness := theme.SeparatorThicknessSize() separatorSize := fyne.NewSize(width, separatorThickness) separatorOff := (pad + separatorThickness) / 2 y := float32(0) // walkAll open branches and obtain nodes to render in scroller's viewport r.treeContent.tree.walkAll(func(uid, _ string, isBranch bool, depth int) { // Root node is not rendered unless it has been customized if r.treeContent.tree.Root == "" { depth = depth - 1 if uid == "" { // This is root node, skip return } } // If this is not the first item, add a separator addSeparator := y > 0 if addSeparator { y += pad separatorCount++ } m := r.treeContent.tree.leafMinSize if isBranch { m = r.treeContent.tree.branchMinSize } if y+m.Height < offsetY { // Node is above viewport and not visible } else if y > offsetY+viewport.Height { // Node is below viewport and not visible } else { // Node is in viewport if addSeparator { var separator fyne.CanvasObject if separatorCount < len(r.separators) { separator = r.separators[separatorCount] } else { separator = NewSeparator() r.separators = append(r.separators, separator) } separator.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, y-separatorOff)) separator.Resize(separatorSize) r.objects = append(r.objects, separator) separatorCount++ } var n fyne.CanvasObject if isBranch { b, ok := r.branches[uid] if !ok { b = r.getBranch() if f := r.treeContent.tree.UpdateNode; f != nil { f(uid, true, b.Content()) } b.update(uid, depth) } branches[uid] = b n = b r.objects = append(r.objects, b) } else { l, ok := r.leaves[uid] if !ok { l = r.getLeaf() if f := r.treeContent.tree.UpdateNode; f != nil { f(uid, false, l.Content()) } l.update(uid, depth) } leaves[uid] = l n = l r.objects = append(r.objects, l) } if n != nil { n.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, y)) n.Resize(fyne.NewSize(width, m.Height)) } } y += m.Height }) // Hide any separators that haven't been reused for ; separatorCount < len(r.separators); separatorCount++ { r.separators[separatorCount].Hide() } // Release any nodes that haven't been reused for uid, b := range r.branches { if _, ok := branches[uid]; !ok { r.branchPool.Release(b) } } for uid, l := range r.leaves { if _, ok := leaves[uid]; !ok { r.leafPool.Release(l) } } r.branches = branches r.leaves = leaves } func (r *treeContentRenderer) MinSize() (min fyne.Size) { r.treeContent.propertyLock.Lock() defer r.treeContent.propertyLock.Unlock() r.treeContent.tree.walkAll(func(uid, _ string, isBranch bool, depth int) { // Root node is not rendered unless it has been customized if r.treeContent.tree.Root == "" { depth = depth - 1 if uid == "" { // This is root node, skip return } } // If this is not the first item, add a separator if min.Height > 0 { min.Height += theme.Padding() } m := r.treeContent.tree.leafMinSize if isBranch { m = r.treeContent.tree.branchMinSize } m.Width += float32(depth) * (theme.IconInlineSize() + theme.Padding()) min.Width = fyne.Max(min.Width, m.Width) min.Height += m.Height }) return } func (r *treeContentRenderer) Objects() []fyne.CanvasObject { return r.objects } func (r *treeContentRenderer) Refresh() { r.refreshForID(allTreeNodesID) } func (r *treeContentRenderer) refreshForID(toDraw TreeNodeID) { s := r.treeContent.Size() if s.IsZero() { r.treeContent.Resize(r.treeContent.MinSize().Max(r.treeContent.tree.Size())) } else { r.Layout(s) } r.treeContent.propertyLock.RLock() for id, b := range r.branches { if toDraw != allTreeNodesID && id != toDraw { continue } b.Refresh() } for id, l := range r.leaves { if toDraw != allTreeNodesID && id != toDraw { continue } l.Refresh() } r.treeContent.propertyLock.RUnlock() canvas.Refresh(r.treeContent.super()) } func (r *treeContentRenderer) getBranch() (b *branch) { o := r.branchPool.Obtain() if o != nil { b = o.(*branch) } else { var content fyne.CanvasObject if f := r.treeContent.tree.CreateNode; f != nil { content = f(true) } b = newBranch(r.treeContent.tree, content) } return } func (r *treeContentRenderer) getLeaf() (l *leaf) { o := r.leafPool.Obtain() if o != nil { l = o.(*leaf) } else { var content fyne.CanvasObject if f := r.treeContent.tree.CreateNode; f != nil { content = f(false) } l = newLeaf(r.treeContent.tree, content) } return } var _ desktop.Hoverable = (*treeNode)(nil) var _ fyne.CanvasObject = (*treeNode)(nil) var _ fyne.Tappable = (*treeNode)(nil) type treeNode struct { BaseWidget tree *Tree uid string depth int hovered bool icon fyne.CanvasObject isBranch bool content fyne.CanvasObject } func (n *treeNode) Content() fyne.CanvasObject { return n.content } func (n *treeNode) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer { background := canvas.NewRectangle(theme.HoverColor()) background.CornerRadius = theme.SelectionRadiusSize() background.Hide() return &treeNodeRenderer{ BaseRenderer: widget.BaseRenderer{}, treeNode: n, background: background, } } func (n *treeNode) Indent() float32 { return float32(n.depth) * (theme.IconInlineSize() + theme.Padding()) } // MouseIn is called when a desktop pointer enters the widget func (n *treeNode) MouseIn(*desktop.MouseEvent) { n.hovered = true n.partialRefresh() } // MouseMoved is called when a desktop pointer hovers over the widget func (n *treeNode) MouseMoved(*desktop.MouseEvent) { } // MouseOut is called when a desktop pointer exits the widget func (n *treeNode) MouseOut() { n.hovered = false n.partialRefresh() } func (n *treeNode) Tapped(*fyne.PointEvent) { if n.tree.currentFocus != "" { n.tree.RefreshItem(n.tree.currentFocus) } n.tree.Select(n.uid) if !fyne.CurrentDevice().IsMobile() { canvas := fyne.CurrentApp().Driver().CanvasForObject(n.tree) if canvas != nil { canvas.Focus(n.tree) } n.tree.currentFocus = n.uid n.Refresh() } } func (n *treeNode) partialRefresh() { if r := cache.Renderer(n.super()); r != nil { r.(*treeNodeRenderer).partialRefresh() } } func (n *treeNode) update(uid string, depth int) { n.uid = uid n.depth = depth n.propertyLock.Lock() n.Hidden = false n.propertyLock.Unlock() n.partialRefresh() } var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*treeNodeRenderer)(nil) type treeNodeRenderer struct { widget.BaseRenderer treeNode *treeNode background *canvas.Rectangle } func (r *treeNodeRenderer) Layout(size fyne.Size) { x := theme.Padding() + r.treeNode.Indent() y := float32(0) r.background.Resize(size) if r.treeNode.icon != nil { r.treeNode.icon.Move(fyne.NewPos(x, y)) r.treeNode.icon.Resize(fyne.NewSize(theme.IconInlineSize(), size.Height)) } x += theme.IconInlineSize() x += theme.Padding() if r.treeNode.content != nil { r.treeNode.content.Move(fyne.NewPos(x, y)) r.treeNode.content.Resize(fyne.NewSize(size.Width-x, size.Height)) } } func (r *treeNodeRenderer) MinSize() (min fyne.Size) { if r.treeNode.content != nil { min = r.treeNode.content.MinSize() } min.Width += theme.InnerPadding() + r.treeNode.Indent() + theme.IconInlineSize() min.Height = fyne.Max(min.Height, theme.IconInlineSize()) return } func (r *treeNodeRenderer) Objects() (objects []fyne.CanvasObject) { objects = append(objects, r.background) if r.treeNode.content != nil { objects = append(objects, r.treeNode.content) } if r.treeNode.icon != nil { objects = append(objects, r.treeNode.icon) } return } func (r *treeNodeRenderer) Refresh() { if c := r.treeNode.content; c != nil { if f := r.treeNode.tree.UpdateNode; f != nil { f(r.treeNode.uid, r.treeNode.isBranch, c) } } r.partialRefresh() } func (r *treeNodeRenderer) partialRefresh() { if r.treeNode.icon != nil { r.treeNode.icon.Refresh() } r.background.CornerRadius = theme.SelectionRadiusSize() if len(r.treeNode.tree.selected) > 0 && r.treeNode.uid == r.treeNode.tree.selected[0] { r.background.FillColor = theme.SelectionColor() r.background.Show() } else if r.treeNode.hovered || (r.treeNode.tree.focused && r.treeNode.tree.currentFocus == r.treeNode.uid) { r.background.FillColor = theme.HoverColor() r.background.Show() } else { r.background.Hide() } r.background.Refresh() r.Layout(r.treeNode.size) canvas.Refresh(r.treeNode.super()) } var _ fyne.Widget = (*branch)(nil) type branch struct { *treeNode } func newBranch(tree *Tree, content fyne.CanvasObject) (b *branch) { b = &branch{ treeNode: &treeNode{ tree: tree, icon: newBranchIcon(tree), isBranch: true, content: content, }, } b.ExtendBaseWidget(b) return } func (b *branch) update(uid string, depth int) { b.treeNode.update(uid, depth) b.icon.(*branchIcon).update(uid, depth) } var _ fyne.Tappable = (*branchIcon)(nil) type branchIcon struct { Icon tree *Tree uid string } func newBranchIcon(tree *Tree) (i *branchIcon) { i = &branchIcon{ tree: tree, } i.ExtendBaseWidget(i) return } func (i *branchIcon) Refresh() { if i.tree.IsBranchOpen(i.uid) { i.Resource = theme.MoveDownIcon() } else { i.Resource = theme.NavigateNextIcon() } i.Icon.Refresh() } func (i *branchIcon) Tapped(*fyne.PointEvent) { i.tree.ToggleBranch(i.uid) } func (i *branchIcon) update(uid string, depth int) { i.uid = uid i.Refresh() } var _ fyne.Widget = (*leaf)(nil) type leaf struct { *treeNode } func newLeaf(tree *Tree, content fyne.CanvasObject) (l *leaf) { l = &leaf{ &treeNode{ tree: tree, content: content, isBranch: false, }, } l.ExtendBaseWidget(l) return }