2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00

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// Copyright 2017 The oksvg Authors. All rights reserved.
// created: 2/12/2017 by S.R.Wiley
// utils.go implements translation of an SVG2.0 path into a rasterx Path.
package oksvg
import (
// IconCursor is used while parsing SVG files.
type IconCursor struct {
icon *SvgIcon
StyleStack []PathStyle
grad *rasterx.Gradient
inTitleText, inDescText, inGrad, inDefs, inDefsStyle bool
currentDef []definition
// ReadGradURL reads an SVG format gradient url
// Since the context of the gradient can affect the colors
// the current fill or line color is passed in and used in
// the case of a nil stopClor value
func (c *IconCursor) ReadGradURL(v string, defaultColor interface{}) (grad rasterx.Gradient, ok bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "url(") && strings.HasSuffix(v, ")") {
urlStr := strings.TrimSpace(v[4 : len(v)-1])
if strings.HasPrefix(urlStr, "#") {
var g *rasterx.Gradient
g, ok = c.icon.Grads[urlStr[1:]]
if ok {
grad = localizeGradIfStopClrNil(g, defaultColor)
// ReadGradAttr reads an SVG gradient attribute
func (c *IconCursor) ReadGradAttr(attr xml.Attr) (err error) {
switch attr.Name.Local {
case "gradientTransform":
c.grad.Matrix, err = c.parseTransform(attr.Value)
case "gradientUnits":
switch strings.TrimSpace(attr.Value) {
case "userSpaceOnUse":
c.grad.Units = rasterx.UserSpaceOnUse
case "objectBoundingBox":
c.grad.Units = rasterx.ObjectBoundingBox
case "spreadMethod":
switch strings.TrimSpace(attr.Value) {
case "pad":
c.grad.Spread = rasterx.PadSpread
case "reflect":
c.grad.Spread = rasterx.ReflectSpread
case "repeat":
c.grad.Spread = rasterx.RepeatSpread
// PushStyle parses the style element, and push it on the style stack. Only color and opacity are supported
// for fill. Note that this parses both the contents of a style attribute plus
// direct fill and opacity attributes.
func (c *IconCursor) PushStyle(attrs []xml.Attr) error {
var pairs []string
className := ""
for _, attr := range attrs {
switch strings.ToLower(attr.Name.Local) {
case "style":
pairs = append(pairs, strings.Split(attr.Value, ";")...)
case "class":
className = attr.Value
pairs = append(pairs, attr.Name.Local+":"+attr.Value)
// Make a copy of the top style
curStyle := c.StyleStack[len(c.StyleStack)-1]
for _, pair := range pairs {
kv := strings.Split(pair, ":")
if len(kv) >= 2 {
k := strings.ToLower(kv[0])
k = strings.TrimSpace(k)
v := strings.TrimSpace(kv[1])
err := c.readStyleAttr(&curStyle, k, v)
if err != nil {
return err
c.adaptClasses(&curStyle, className)
c.StyleStack = append(c.StyleStack, curStyle) // Push style onto stack
return nil
func (c *IconCursor) readTransformAttr(m1 rasterx.Matrix2D, k string) (rasterx.Matrix2D, error) {
ln := len(c.points)
switch k {
case "rotate":
if ln == 1 {
m1 = m1.Rotate(c.points[0] * math.Pi / 180)
} else if ln == 3 {
m1 = m1.Translate(c.points[1], c.points[2]).
Translate(-c.points[1], -c.points[2])
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
case "translate":
if ln == 1 {
m1 = m1.Translate(c.points[0], 0)
} else if ln == 2 {
m1 = m1.Translate(c.points[0], c.points[1])
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
case "skewx":
if ln == 1 {
m1 = m1.SkewX(c.points[0] * math.Pi / 180)
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
case "skewy":
if ln == 1 {
m1 = m1.SkewY(c.points[0] * math.Pi / 180)
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
case "scale":
if ln == 1 {
m1 = m1.Scale(c.points[0], 0)
} else if ln == 2 {
m1 = m1.Scale(c.points[0], c.points[1])
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
case "matrix":
if ln == 6 {
m1 = m1.Mult(rasterx.Matrix2D{
A: c.points[0],
B: c.points[1],
C: c.points[2],
D: c.points[3],
E: c.points[4],
F: c.points[5]})
} else {
return m1, errParamMismatch
return m1, errParamMismatch
return m1, nil
func (c *IconCursor) parseTransform(v string) (rasterx.Matrix2D, error) {
ts := strings.Split(v, ")")
m1 := c.StyleStack[len(c.StyleStack)-1].mAdder.M
for _, t := range ts {
t = strings.TrimSpace(t)
if len(t) == 0 {
d := strings.Split(t, "(")
if len(d) != 2 || len(d[1]) < 1 {
return m1, errParamMismatch // badly formed transformation
err := c.GetPoints(d[1])
if err != nil {
return m1, err
m1, err = c.readTransformAttr(m1, strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(d[0])))
if err != nil {
return m1, err
return m1, nil
func (c *IconCursor) readStyleAttr(curStyle *PathStyle, k, v string) error {
switch k {
case "fill":
gradient, ok := c.ReadGradURL(v, curStyle.fillerColor)
if ok {
curStyle.fillerColor = gradient
var err error
curStyle.fillerColor, err = ParseSVGColor(v)
return err
case "stroke":
gradient, ok := c.ReadGradURL(v, curStyle.linerColor)
if ok {
curStyle.linerColor = gradient
col, errc := ParseSVGColor(v)
if errc != nil {
return errc
if col != nil {
curStyle.linerColor = col.(color.NRGBA)
} else {
curStyle.linerColor = nil
case "stroke-linegap":
switch v {
case "flat":
curStyle.LineGap = rasterx.FlatGap
case "round":
curStyle.LineGap = rasterx.RoundGap
case "cubic":
curStyle.LineGap = rasterx.CubicGap
case "quadratic":
curStyle.LineGap = rasterx.QuadraticGap
case "stroke-leadlinecap":
switch v {
case "butt":
curStyle.LeadLineCap = rasterx.ButtCap
case "round":
curStyle.LeadLineCap = rasterx.RoundCap
case "square":
curStyle.LeadLineCap = rasterx.SquareCap
case "cubic":
curStyle.LeadLineCap = rasterx.CubicCap
case "quadratic":
curStyle.LeadLineCap = rasterx.QuadraticCap
case "stroke-linecap":
switch v {
case "butt":
curStyle.LineCap = rasterx.ButtCap
case "round":
curStyle.LineCap = rasterx.RoundCap
case "square":
curStyle.LineCap = rasterx.SquareCap
case "cubic":
curStyle.LineCap = rasterx.CubicCap
case "quadratic":
curStyle.LineCap = rasterx.QuadraticCap
case "stroke-linejoin":
switch v {
case "miter":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.Miter
case "miter-clip":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.MiterClip
case "arc-clip":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.ArcClip
case "round":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.Round
case "arc":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.Arc
case "bevel":
curStyle.LineJoin = rasterx.Bevel
case "stroke-miterlimit":
mLimit, err := parseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
curStyle.MiterLimit = mLimit
case "stroke-width":
width, err := parseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
curStyle.LineWidth = width
case "stroke-dashoffset":
dashOffset, err := parseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
curStyle.DashOffset = dashOffset
case "stroke-dasharray":
if v != "none" {
dashes := splitOnCommaOrSpace(v)
dList := make([]float64, len(dashes))
for i, dstr := range dashes {
d, err := parseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(dstr), 64)
if err != nil {
return err
dList[i] = d
curStyle.Dash = dList
case "opacity", "stroke-opacity", "fill-opacity":
op, err := parseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
if k != "stroke-opacity" {
curStyle.FillOpacity *= op
if k != "fill-opacity" {
curStyle.LineOpacity *= op
case "transform":
m, err := c.parseTransform(v)
if err != nil {
return err
curStyle.mAdder.M = m
return nil
func (c *IconCursor) readStartElement(se xml.StartElement) (err error) {
var skipDef bool
if se.Name.Local == "radialGradient" || se.Name.Local == "linearGradient" || c.inGrad {
skipDef = true
if c.inDefs && !skipDef {
ID := ""
for _, attr := range se.Attr {
if attr.Name.Local == "id" {
ID = attr.Value
if ID != "" && len(c.currentDef) > 0 {
c.icon.Defs[c.currentDef[0].ID] = c.currentDef
c.currentDef = make([]definition, 0)
c.currentDef = append(c.currentDef, definition{
Tag: se.Name.Local,
Attrs: se.Attr,
return nil
df, ok := drawFuncs[se.Name.Local]
if !ok {
errStr := "Cannot process svg element " + se.Name.Local
if c.returnError(errStr) {
return errors.New(errStr)
return nil
err = df(c, se.Attr)
if err != nil {
e := fmt.Sprintf("error during processing svg element %s: %s", se.Name.Local, err.Error())
if c.returnError(e) {
err = errors.New(e)
err = nil
if len(c.Path) > 0 {
//The cursor parsed a path from the xml element
pathCopy := make(rasterx.Path, len(c.Path))
copy(pathCopy, c.Path)
c.icon.SVGPaths = append(c.icon.SVGPaths,
SvgPath{c.StyleStack[len(c.StyleStack)-1], pathCopy})
c.Path = c.Path[:0]
func (c *IconCursor) adaptClasses(pathStyle *PathStyle, className string) {
if className == "" || len(c.icon.classes) == 0 {
for k, v := range c.icon.classes[className] {
c.readStyleAttr(pathStyle, k, v)
func (c *IconCursor) returnError(errMsg string) bool {
if c.ErrorMode == StrictErrorMode {
return true
if c.ErrorMode == WarnErrorMode {
return false