2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00

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// Copyright 2017 The oksvg Authors. All rights reserved.
// created: 2/12/2017 by S.R.Wiley
// utils.go implements translation of an SVG2.0 path into a rasterx Path.
package oksvg
import (
// ReadIconStream reads the Icon from the given io.Reader.
// This only supports a sub-set of SVG, but
// is enough to draw many icons. If errMode is provided,
// the first value determines if the icon ignores, errors out, or logs a warning
// if it does not handle an element found in the icon file. Ignore warnings is
// the default if no ErrorMode value is provided.
func ReadIconStream(stream io.Reader, errMode ...ErrorMode) (*SvgIcon, error) {
icon := &SvgIcon{Defs: make(map[string][]definition), Grads: make(map[string]*rasterx.Gradient), Transform: rasterx.Identity}
cursor := &IconCursor{StyleStack: []PathStyle{DefaultStyle}, icon: icon}
if len(errMode) > 0 {
cursor.ErrorMode = errMode[0]
classInfo := ""
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(stream)
decoder.CharsetReader = charset.NewReaderLabel
for {
t, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return icon, err
// Inspect the type of the XML token
switch se := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
// Reads all recognized style attributes from the start element
// and places it on top of the styleStack
err = cursor.PushStyle(se.Attr)
if err != nil {
return icon, err
err = cursor.readStartElement(se)
if err != nil {
return icon, err
if se.Name.Local == "style" && cursor.inDefs {
cursor.inDefsStyle = true
case xml.EndElement:
// pop style
cursor.StyleStack = cursor.StyleStack[:len(cursor.StyleStack)-1]
switch se.Name.Local {
case "g":
if cursor.inDefs {
cursor.currentDef = append(cursor.currentDef, definition{
Tag: "endg",
case "title":
cursor.inTitleText = false
case "desc":
cursor.inDescText = false
case "defs":
if len(cursor.currentDef) > 0 {
cursor.icon.Defs[cursor.currentDef[0].ID] = cursor.currentDef
cursor.currentDef = make([]definition, 0)
cursor.inDefs = false
case "radialGradient", "linearGradient":
cursor.inGrad = false
case "style":
if cursor.inDefsStyle {
icon.classes, err = parseClasses(classInfo)
if err != nil {
return icon, err
cursor.inDefsStyle = false
case xml.CharData:
if cursor.inTitleText {
icon.Titles[len(icon.Titles)-1] += string(se)
if cursor.inDescText {
icon.Descriptions[len(icon.Descriptions)-1] += string(se)
if cursor.inDefsStyle {
classInfo = string(se)
return icon, nil
// ReadReplacingCurrentColor replaces currentColor value with specified value and loads SvgIcon as ReadIconStream do.
// currentColor value should be valid hex, rgb or named color value.
func ReadReplacingCurrentColor(stream io.Reader, currentColor string, errMode ...ErrorMode) (icon *SvgIcon, err error) {
var (
data []byte
if data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(stream); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: read data: %v", errParamMismatch, err)
if currentColor != "" && strings.Contains(string(data), "currentColor") {
data = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(data), "currentColor", currentColor))
if icon, err = ReadIconStream(bytes.NewBuffer(data), errMode...); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: load: %v", errParamMismatch, err)
return icon, nil
// ReadIcon reads the Icon from the named file.
// This only supports a sub-set of SVG, but is enough to draw many icons.
// If errMode is provided, the first value determines if the icon ignores, errors out, or logs a warning
// if it does not handle an element found in the icon file.
// Ignore warnings is the default if no ErrorMode value is provided.
func ReadIcon(iconFile string, errMode ...ErrorMode) (*SvgIcon, error) {
fin, errf := os.Open(iconFile)
if errf != nil {
return nil, errf
defer fin.Close()
return ReadIconStream(fin, errMode...)
// ParseSVGColorNum reads the SFG color string e.g. #FBD9BD
func ParseSVGColorNum(colorStr string) (r, g, b uint8, err error) {
colorStr = strings.TrimPrefix(colorStr, "#")
var t uint64
if len(colorStr) != 6 {
if len(colorStr) != 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("color string %s is not length 3 or 6 as required by SVG specification",
// SVG specs say duplicate characters in case of 3 digit hex number
colorStr = string([]byte{colorStr[0], colorStr[0],
colorStr[1], colorStr[1], colorStr[2], colorStr[2]})
for _, v := range []struct {
c *uint8
s string
{&r, colorStr[0:2]},
{&g, colorStr[2:4]},
{&b, colorStr[4:6]}} {
t, err = strconv.ParseUint(v.s, 16, 8)
if err != nil {
*v.c = uint8(t)
// ParseSVGColor parses an SVG color string in all forms
// including all SVG1.1 names, obtained from the image.colornames package
func ParseSVGColor(colorStr string) (color.Color, error) {
// _, _, _, a := curColor.RGBA()
v := strings.ToLower(colorStr)
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "url") { // We are not handling urls
// and gradients and stuff at this point
return color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 255}, nil
switch v {
case "none", "":
// nil signals that the function (fill or stroke) is off;
// not the same as black
return nil, nil
cn, ok := colornames.Map[v]
if ok {
r, g, b, a := cn.RGBA()
return color.NRGBA{uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), uint8(a)}, nil
cStr := strings.TrimPrefix(colorStr, "rgb(")
if cStr != colorStr {
cStr := strings.TrimSuffix(cStr, ")")
vals := strings.Split(cStr, ",")
if len(vals) != 3 {
return color.NRGBA{}, errParamMismatch
var cvals [3]uint8
var err error
for i := range cvals {
cvals[i], err = parseColorValue(vals[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return color.NRGBA{cvals[0], cvals[1], cvals[2], 0xFF}, nil
cStr = strings.TrimPrefix(colorStr, "hsl(")
if cStr != colorStr {
cStr := strings.TrimSuffix(cStr, ")")
vals := strings.Split(cStr, ",")
if len(vals) != 3 {
return color.NRGBA{}, errParamMismatch
H, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(vals[0]), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return color.NRGBA{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid hue in hsl: '%s' (%s)", vals[0], err)
S, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(vals[1][:len(vals[1])-1]), 64)
if err != nil {
return color.NRGBA{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid saturation in hsl: '%s' (%s)", vals[1], err)
S = S / 100
L, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(vals[2][:len(vals[2])-1]), 64)
if err != nil {
return color.NRGBA{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid lightness in hsl: '%s' (%s)", vals[2], err)
L = L / 100
C := (1 - math.Abs((2*L)-1)) * S
X := C * (1 - math.Abs(math.Mod((float64(H)/60), 2)-1))
m := L - C/2
var rp, gp, bp float64
if H < 60 {
rp, gp, bp = float64(C), float64(X), float64(0)
} else if H < 120 {
rp, gp, bp = float64(X), float64(C), float64(0)
} else if H < 180 {
rp, gp, bp = float64(0), float64(C), float64(X)
} else if H < 240 {
rp, gp, bp = float64(0), float64(X), float64(C)
} else if H < 300 {
rp, gp, bp = float64(X), float64(0), float64(C)
} else {
rp, gp, bp = float64(C), float64(0), float64(X)
r, g, b := math.Round((rp+m)*255), math.Round((gp+m)*255), math.Round((bp+m)*255)
if r > 255 {
r = 255
if g > 255 {
g = 255
if b > 255 {
b = 255
return color.NRGBA{
}, nil
if colorStr[0] == '#' {
r, g, b, err := ParseSVGColorNum(colorStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return color.NRGBA{r, g, b, 0xFF}, nil
return nil, errParamMismatch