2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00

319 lines
9.6 KiB

package svg
import (
col ""
// Colorize creates a new SVG from a given one by replacing all fill colors by the given color.
func Colorize(src []byte, clr color.Color) []byte {
rdr := bytes.NewReader(src)
s, err := svgFromXML(rdr)
if err != nil {
fyne.LogError("could not load SVG, falling back to static content:", err)
return src
if err := s.replaceFillColor(clr); err != nil {
fyne.LogError("could not replace fill color, falling back to static content:", err)
return src
colorized, err := xml.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
fyne.LogError("could not marshal svg, falling back to static content:", err)
return src
return colorized
type Decoder struct {
icon *oksvg.SvgIcon
type Config struct {
Width int
Height int
Aspect float32
func NewDecoder(stream io.Reader) (*Decoder, error) {
icon, err := oksvg.ReadIconStream(stream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Decoder{
icon: icon,
}, nil
func (d *Decoder) Config() Config {
return Config{
float32(d.icon.ViewBox.W / d.icon.ViewBox.H),
func (d *Decoder) Draw(width, height int) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
config := d.Config()
viewAspect := float32(width) / float32(height)
imgW, imgH := width, height
if viewAspect > config.Aspect {
imgW = int(float32(height) * config.Aspect)
} else if viewAspect < config.Aspect {
imgH = int(float32(width) / config.Aspect)
d.icon.SetTarget(0, 0, float64(imgW), float64(imgH))
img := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, imgW, imgH))
scanner := rasterx.NewScannerGV(config.Width, config.Height, img, img.Bounds())
raster := rasterx.NewDasher(width, height, scanner)
err := drawSVGSafely(d.icon, raster)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("SVG render error: %w", err)
return nil, err
return img, nil
func IsFileSVG(path string) bool {
return strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(path)) == ".svg"
// IsResourceSVG checks if the resource is an SVG or not.
func IsResourceSVG(res fyne.Resource) bool {
if strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(res.Name())) == ".svg" {
return true
if len(res.Content()) < 5 {
return false
switch strings.ToLower(string(res.Content()[:5])) {
case "<!doc", "<?xml", "<svg ":
return true
return false
// svg holds the unmarshaled XML from a Scalable Vector Graphic
type svg struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"svg"`
XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Width string `xml:"width,attr"`
Height string `xml:"height,attr"`
ViewBox string `xml:"viewBox,attr,omitempty"`
Paths []*pathObj `xml:"path"`
Rects []*rectObj `xml:"rect"`
Circles []*circleObj `xml:"circle"`
Ellipses []*ellipseObj `xml:"ellipse"`
Polygons []*polygonObj `xml:"polygon"`
Groups []*objGroup `xml:"g"`
type pathObj struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"path"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
FillOpacity string `xml:"fill-opacity,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
D string `xml:"d,attr"`
type rectObj struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"rect"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
FillOpacity string `xml:"fill-opacity,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
X string `xml:"x,attr,omitempty"`
Y string `xml:"y,attr,omitempty"`
Width string `xml:"width,attr,omitempty"`
Height string `xml:"height,attr,omitempty"`
type circleObj struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"circle"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
FillOpacity string `xml:"fill-opacity,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
CX string `xml:"cx,attr,omitempty"`
CY string `xml:"cy,attr,omitempty"`
R string `xml:"r,attr,omitempty"`
type ellipseObj struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ellipse"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
FillOpacity string `xml:"fill-opacity,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
CX string `xml:"cx,attr,omitempty"`
CY string `xml:"cy,attr,omitempty"`
RX string `xml:"rx,attr,omitempty"`
RY string `xml:"ry,attr,omitempty"`
type polygonObj struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"polygon"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
FillOpacity string `xml:"fill-opacity,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
Points string `xml:"points,attr"`
type objGroup struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"g"`
ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"`
Fill string `xml:"fill,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke string `xml:"stroke,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeWidth string `xml:"stroke-width,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineCap string `xml:"stroke-linecap,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeLineJoin string `xml:"stroke-linejoin,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeDashArray string `xml:"stroke-dasharray,attr,omitempty"`
Paths []*pathObj `xml:"path"`
Circles []*circleObj `xml:"circle"`
Ellipses []*ellipseObj `xml:"ellipse"`
Rects []*rectObj `xml:"rect"`
Polygons []*polygonObj `xml:"polygon"`
Groups []*objGroup `xml:"g"`
func replacePathsFill(paths []*pathObj, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, path := range paths {
if path.Fill != "none" {
path.Fill = hexColor
path.FillOpacity = opacity
func replaceRectsFill(rects []*rectObj, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, rect := range rects {
if rect.Fill != "none" {
rect.Fill = hexColor
rect.FillOpacity = opacity
func replaceCirclesFill(circles []*circleObj, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, circle := range circles {
if circle.Fill != "none" {
circle.Fill = hexColor
circle.FillOpacity = opacity
func replaceEllipsesFill(ellipses []*ellipseObj, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, ellipse := range ellipses {
if ellipse.Fill != "none" {
ellipse.Fill = hexColor
ellipse.FillOpacity = opacity
func replacePolygonsFill(polys []*polygonObj, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, poly := range polys {
if poly.Fill != "none" {
poly.Fill = hexColor
poly.FillOpacity = opacity
func replaceGroupObjectFill(groups []*objGroup, hexColor string, opacity string) {
for _, grp := range groups {
replaceCirclesFill(grp.Circles, hexColor, opacity)
replaceEllipsesFill(grp.Ellipses, hexColor, opacity)
replacePathsFill(grp.Paths, hexColor, opacity)
replaceRectsFill(grp.Rects, hexColor, opacity)
replacePolygonsFill(grp.Polygons, hexColor, opacity)
replaceGroupObjectFill(grp.Groups, hexColor, opacity)
// replaceFillColor alters an svg objects fill color. Note that if an svg with multiple fill
// colors is being operated upon, all fills will be converted to a single color. Mostly used
// to recolor Icons to match the theme's IconColor.
func (s *svg) replaceFillColor(color color.Color) error {
hexColor, opacity := colorToHexAndOpacity(color)
replacePathsFill(s.Paths, hexColor, opacity)
replaceRectsFill(s.Rects, hexColor, opacity)
replaceCirclesFill(s.Circles, hexColor, opacity)
replaceEllipsesFill(s.Ellipses, hexColor, opacity)
replacePolygonsFill(s.Polygons, hexColor, opacity)
replaceGroupObjectFill(s.Groups, hexColor, opacity)
return nil
func svgFromXML(reader io.Reader) (*svg, error) {
var s svg
bSlice, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := xml.Unmarshal(bSlice, &s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &s, nil
func colorToHexAndOpacity(color color.Color) (hexStr, aStr string) {
r, g, b, a := col.ToNRGBA(color)
cBytes := []byte{byte(r), byte(g), byte(b)}
hexStr, aStr = "#"+hex.EncodeToString(cBytes), strconv.FormatFloat(float64(a)/0xff, 'f', 6, 64)
func drawSVGSafely(icon *oksvg.SvgIcon, raster *rasterx.Dasher) error {
var err error
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = errors.New("crash when rendering svg")
icon.Draw(raster, 1)
return err