2024-04-29 19:13:50 +02:00

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// Package uri is meant to be an RFC 3986 compliant URI builder and parser.
// This is based on the work from ttacon/uri (credits: Trey Tacon).
// This fork concentrates on RFC 3986 strictness for URI parsing and validation.
// Reference:
// Tests have been augmented with test suites of URI validators in other languages:
// perl, python, scala, .Net.
// Extra features like MySQL URIs present in the original repo have been removed.
package uri
import (
// Validation errors.
var (
ErrNoSchemeFound = errors.New("no scheme found in URI")
ErrInvalidURI = errors.New("not a valid URI")
ErrInvalidCharacter = errors.New("invalid character in URI")
ErrInvalidScheme = errors.New("invalid scheme in URI")
ErrInvalidQuery = errors.New("invalid query string in URI")
ErrInvalidFragment = errors.New("invalid fragment in URI")
ErrInvalidPath = errors.New("invalid path in URI")
ErrInvalidHost = errors.New("invalid host in URI")
ErrInvalidPort = errors.New("invalid port in URI")
ErrInvalidUserInfo = errors.New("invalid userinfo in URI")
ErrMissingHost = errors.New("missing host in URI")
// UsesDNSHostValidation returns true if the provided scheme has host validation
// that does not follow RFC3986 (which is quite generic), but assume a valid
// DNS hostname instead.
// See:
func UsesDNSHostValidation(scheme string) bool {
switch scheme {
case "dns":
return true
case "dntp":
return true
case "finger":
return true
case "ftp":
return true
case "git":
return true
case "http":
return true
case "https":
return true
case "imap":
return true
case "irc":
return true
case "jms":
return true
case "mailto":
return true
case "nfs":
return true
case "nntp":
return true
case "ntp":
return true
case "postgres":
return true
case "redis":
return true
case "rmi":
return true
case "rtsp":
return true
case "rsync":
return true
case "sftp":
return true
case "skype":
return true
case "smtp":
return true
case "snmp":
return true
case "soap":
return true
case "ssh":
return true
case "steam":
return true
case "svn":
return true
case "tcp":
return true
case "telnet":
return true
case "udp":
return true
case "vnc":
return true
case "wais":
return true
case "ws":
return true
case "wss":
return true
return false
// URI represents a general RFC3986 URI.
type URI interface {
// Scheme the URI conforms to.
Scheme() string
// Authority information for the URI, including the "//" prefix.
Authority() Authority
// Query returns a map of key/value pairs of all parameters
// in the query string of the URI.
Query() url.Values
// Fragment returns the fragment (component preceded by '#') in the
// URI if there is one.
Fragment() string
// Builder returns a Builder that can be used to modify the URI.
Builder() Builder
// String representation of the URI
String() string
// Validate the different components of the URI
Validate() error
// Authority information that a URI contains
// as specified by RFC3986.
// Username and password are given by UserInfo().
type Authority interface {
UserInfo() string
Host() string
Port() string
Path() string
String() string
Validate(...string) error
// Builder builds URIs.
type Builder interface {
SetScheme(scheme string) Builder
SetUserInfo(userinfo string) Builder
SetHost(host string) Builder
SetPort(port string) Builder
SetPath(path string) Builder
SetQuery(query string) Builder
SetFragment(fragment string) Builder
// Returns the URI this Builder represents.
String() string
const (
// char and string literals.
colonMark = ':'
questionMark = '?'
fragmentMark = '#'
percentMark = '%'
atHost = '@'
slashMark = '/'
openingBracketMark = '['
closingBracketMark = ']'
authorityPrefix = "//"
// IsURI tells if a URI is valid according to RFC3986/RFC397.
func IsURI(raw string) bool {
_, err := Parse(raw)
return err == nil
// IsURIReference tells if a URI reference is valid according to RFC3986/RFC397.
func IsURIReference(raw string) bool {
_, err := ParseReference(raw)
return err == nil
// Parse attempts to parse a URI and returns an error if the URI
// is not RFC3986-compliant.
func Parse(raw string) (URI, error) {
return parse(raw, false)
// ParseReference attempts to parse a URI relative reference and returns an error if the URI
// is not RFC3986 compliant.
func ParseReference(raw string) (URI, error) {
return parse(raw, true)
func parse(raw string, withURIReference bool) (URI, error) {
var (
scheme string
curr int
schemeEnd := strings.IndexByte(raw, colonMark) // position of a ":"
hierPartEnd := strings.IndexByte(raw, questionMark) // position of a "?"
queryEnd := strings.IndexByte(raw, fragmentMark) // position of a "#"
// exclude pathological input
if schemeEnd == 0 || hierPartEnd == 0 || queryEnd == 0 {
// ":", "?", "#"
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if schemeEnd == 1 || hierPartEnd == 1 || queryEnd == 1 {
// ".:", ".?", ".#"
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if hierPartEnd > 0 && hierPartEnd < schemeEnd || queryEnd > 0 && queryEnd < schemeEnd {
// e.g. htt?p: ; h#ttp: ..
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if queryEnd > 0 && queryEnd < hierPartEnd {
// e.g. https://abc#a?b
hierPartEnd = queryEnd
isRelative := strings.HasPrefix(raw, authorityPrefix)
switch {
case schemeEnd > 0 && !isRelative:
scheme = raw[curr:schemeEnd]
if schemeEnd+1 == len(raw) {
// trailing ':' (e.g. http:)
u := &uri{
scheme: scheme,
return u, u.Validate()
case !withURIReference:
// scheme is required for URI
return nil, ErrNoSchemeFound
case isRelative:
// scheme is optional for URI references.
// start with // and a ':' is following... e.g //
schemeEnd = -1
curr = schemeEnd + 1
if hierPartEnd == len(raw)-1 || (hierPartEnd < 0 && queryEnd < 0) {
// trailing ? or (no query & no fragment)
if hierPartEnd < 0 {
hierPartEnd = len(raw)
authorityInfo, err := parseAuthority(raw[curr:hierPartEnd])
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
u := &uri{
scheme: scheme,
hierPart: raw[curr:hierPartEnd],
authority: authorityInfo,
return u, u.Validate()
var (
hierPart, query, fragment string
authorityInfo *authorityInfo
err error
if hierPartEnd > 0 {
hierPart = raw[curr:hierPartEnd]
authorityInfo, err = parseAuthority(hierPart)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if hierPartEnd+1 < len(raw) {
if queryEnd < 0 {
// query ?, no fragment
query = raw[hierPartEnd+1:]
} else if hierPartEnd < queryEnd-1 {
// query ?, fragment
query = raw[hierPartEnd+1 : queryEnd]
curr = hierPartEnd + 1
if queryEnd == len(raw)-1 && hierPartEnd < 0 {
// trailing #, no query "?"
hierPart = raw[curr:queryEnd]
authorityInfo, err = parseAuthority(hierPart)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
u := &uri{
scheme: scheme,
hierPart: hierPart,
authority: authorityInfo,
query: query,
return u, u.Validate()
if queryEnd > 0 {
// there is a fragment
if hierPartEnd < 0 {
// no query
hierPart = raw[curr:queryEnd]
authorityInfo, err = parseAuthority(hierPart)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if queryEnd+1 < len(raw) {
fragment = raw[queryEnd+1:]
u := &uri{
scheme: scheme,
hierPart: hierPart,
query: query,
fragment: fragment,
authority: authorityInfo,
return u, u.Validate()
type uri struct {
// raw components
scheme string
hierPart string
query string
fragment string
// parsed components
authority *authorityInfo
func (u *uri) URI() URI {
return u
func (u *uri) Scheme() string {
return u.scheme
func (u *uri) Authority() Authority {
return u.authority
// Query returns parsed query parameters like standard lib URL.Query().
func (u *uri) Query() url.Values {
v, _ := url.ParseQuery(u.query)
return v
func (u *uri) Fragment() string {
return u.fragment
var (
rexScheme = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\p{L}][\p{L}\d\+-\.]+$`)
rexFragment = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\p{L}\d\-\._~\:@!\$\&'\(\)\*\+,;=\?/]|(%[[:xdigit:]]{2})+)+$`)
rexQuery = rexFragment
rexSegment = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\p{L}\d\-\._~\:@!\$\&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|(%[[:xdigit:]]{2})+)+$`)
rexHostname = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9\p{L}]((-?[a-zA-Z0-9\p{L}]+)?|(([a-zA-Z0-9-\p{L}]{0,63})(\.)){1,6}([a-zA-Z\p{L}]){2,})$`)
// unreserved | pct-encoded | sub-delims.
rexRegname = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\p{L}\d\-\._~!\$\&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|(%[[:xdigit:]]{2})+)+$`)
// unreserved | pct-encoded | sub-delims | ":".
rexUserInfo = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\p{L}\d\-\._~\:!\$\&'\(\)\*\+,;=\?/]|(%[[:xdigit:]]{2})+)+$`)
rexIPv6Zone = regexp.MustCompile(`:[^%:]+%25(([\p{L}\d\-\._~\:@!\$\&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|(%[[:xdigit:]]{2}))+)?$`)
func isNumerical(input string) bool {
return strings.IndexFunc(input,
func(r rune) bool { return r < '0' || r > '9' },
) == -1
// Validate checks that all parts of a URI abide by allowed characters.
func (u *uri) Validate() error {
if u.scheme != "" {
if ok := rexScheme.MatchString(u.scheme); !ok {
return ErrInvalidScheme
if u.query != "" {
if ok := rexQuery.MatchString(u.query); !ok {
return ErrInvalidQuery
if u.fragment != "" {
if ok := rexFragment.MatchString(u.fragment); !ok {
return ErrInvalidFragment
if u.hierPart != "" {
if u.authority != nil {
return u.Authority().Validate(u.scheme)
// empty hierpart case
return nil
type authorityInfo struct {
prefix string
userinfo string
host string
port string
path string
func (a authorityInfo) UserInfo() string { return a.userinfo }
func (a authorityInfo) Host() string { return }
func (a authorityInfo) Port() string { return a.port }
func (a authorityInfo) Path() string { return a.path }
func (a authorityInfo) String() string {
buf := strings.Builder{}
if len(a.userinfo) > 0 {
if strings.IndexByte(, colonMark) > 0 {
// ipv6 address host
buf.WriteString("[" + + "]")
} else {
if len(a.port) > 0 {
return buf.String()
func (a authorityInfo) Validate(schemes ...string) error {
for _, segment := range strings.Split(a.path, "/") {
if segment == "" {
if ok := rexSegment.MatchString(segment); !ok {
return ErrInvalidPath
if != "" {
var isIP bool
if ok := rexIPv6Zone.MatchString(; ok {
z := strings.IndexByte(, percentMark)
isIP = net.ParseIP([0:z]) != nil
} else {
isIP = net.ParseIP( != nil
if !isIP {
var isHost bool
unescapedHost, err := url.PathUnescape(
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidHost
for _, scheme := range schemes {
if UsesDNSHostValidation(scheme) {
// DNS name
isHost = rexHostname.MatchString(unescapedHost)
} else {
// standard RFC 3986
isHost = rexRegname.MatchString(unescapedHost)
if !isHost {
return ErrInvalidHost
if a.port != "" {
if !isNumerical(a.port) {
return ErrInvalidPort
if == "" {
return ErrMissingHost
if a.userinfo != "" {
if ok := rexUserInfo.MatchString(a.userinfo); !ok {
return ErrInvalidUserInfo
return nil
func parseAuthority(hier string) (*authorityInfo, error) {
// as per RFC 3986 Section 3.6
var prefix, userinfo, host, port, path string
// authority sections MUST begin with a '//'
if strings.HasPrefix(hier, authorityPrefix) {
prefix = authorityPrefix
hier = strings.TrimPrefix(hier, authorityPrefix)
if prefix == "" {
path = hier
} else {
// authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
slashEnd := strings.IndexByte(hier, slashMark)
if slashEnd > -1 {
if slashEnd < len(hier) {
path = hier[slashEnd:]
hier = hier[:slashEnd]
host = hier
if at := strings.IndexByte(host, atHost); at > 0 {
userinfo = host[:at]
if at+1 < len(host) {
host = host[at+1:]
if bracket := strings.IndexByte(host, openingBracketMark); bracket >= 0 {
// ipv6 addresses: "[" xx:yy:zz "]":port
rawHost := host
closingbracket := strings.IndexByte(host, closingBracketMark)
if closingbracket > bracket+1 {
host = host[bracket+1 : closingbracket]
rawHost = rawHost[closingbracket+1:]
} else {
return nil, ErrInvalidURI
if colon := strings.IndexByte(rawHost, colonMark); colon >= 0 {
if colon+1 < len(rawHost) {
port = rawHost[colon+1:]
} else {
if colon := strings.IndexByte(host, colonMark); colon >= 0 {
if colon+1 < len(host) {
port = host[colon+1:]
host = host[:colon]
return &authorityInfo{
prefix: prefix,
userinfo: userinfo,
host: host,
port: port,
path: path,
}, nil
func (u *uri) ensureAuthorityExists() {
if u.authority == nil {
u.authority = &authorityInfo{}
if u.authority.userinfo != "" || != "" ||
u.authority.port != "" {
u.authority.prefix = "//"
func (u *uri) SetScheme(scheme string) Builder {
u.scheme = scheme
return u
func (u *uri) SetUserInfo(userinfo string) Builder {
u.authority.userinfo = userinfo
return u
func (u *uri) SetHost(host string) Builder {
u.ensureAuthorityExists() = host
return u
func (u *uri) SetPort(port string) Builder {
u.authority.port = port
return u
func (u *uri) SetPath(path string) Builder {
u.authority.path = path
return u
func (u *uri) SetQuery(query string) Builder {
u.query = query
return u
func (u *uri) SetFragment(fragment string) Builder {
u.fragment = fragment
return u
func (u *uri) Builder() Builder {
return u
func (u *uri) String() string {
buf := strings.Builder{}
if len(u.scheme) > 0 {
if len(u.query) > 0 {
if len(u.fragment) > 0 {
return buf.String()