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2024-07-02 16:36:04 +02:00
package logger
import (
// Config defines the config for middleware.
type Config struct {
// Next defines a function to skip this middleware when returned true.
// Optional. Default: nil
Next func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool
// Done is a function that is called after the log string for a request is written to Output,
// and pass the log string as parameter.
// Optional. Default: nil
Done func(c *fiber.Ctx, logString []byte)
// tagFunctions defines the custom tag action
// Optional. Default: map[string]LogFunc
CustomTags map[string]LogFunc
// Format defines the logging tags
// Optional. Default: ${time} | ${status} | ${latency} | ${ip} | ${method} | ${path} | ${error}\n
Format string
// TimeFormat https://programming.guide/go/format-parse-string-time-date-example.html
// Optional. Default: 15:04:05
TimeFormat string
// TimeZone can be specified, such as "UTC" and "America/New_York" and "Asia/Chongqing", etc
// Optional. Default: "Local"
TimeZone string
// TimeInterval is the delay before the timestamp is updated
// Optional. Default: 500 * time.Millisecond
TimeInterval time.Duration
// Output is a writer where logs are written
// Default: os.Stdout
Output io.Writer
// DisableColors defines if the logs output should be colorized
// Default: false
DisableColors bool
enableColors bool
enableLatency bool
timeZoneLocation *time.Location
const (
startTag = "${"
endTag = "}"
paramSeparator = ":"
type Buffer interface {
Len() int
ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error)
WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)
Bytes() []byte
Write(p []byte) (int, error)
WriteByte(c byte) error
WriteString(s string) (int, error)
Set(p []byte)
SetString(s string)
String() string
type LogFunc func(output Buffer, c *fiber.Ctx, data *Data, extraParam string) (int, error)
// ConfigDefault is the default config
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Next: nil,
Done: nil,
Format: "${time} | ${status} | ${latency} | ${ip} | ${method} | ${path} | ${error}\n",
TimeFormat: "15:04:05",
TimeZone: "Local",
TimeInterval: 500 * time.Millisecond,
Output: os.Stdout,
DisableColors: false,
enableColors: true,
// Helper function to set default values
func configDefault(config ...Config) Config {
// Return default config if nothing provided
if len(config) < 1 {
return ConfigDefault
// Override default config
cfg := config[0]
// Set default values
if cfg.Next == nil {
cfg.Next = ConfigDefault.Next
if cfg.Done == nil {
cfg.Done = ConfigDefault.Done
if cfg.Format == "" {
cfg.Format = ConfigDefault.Format
if cfg.TimeZone == "" {
cfg.TimeZone = ConfigDefault.TimeZone
if cfg.TimeFormat == "" {
cfg.TimeFormat = ConfigDefault.TimeFormat
if int(cfg.TimeInterval) <= 0 {
cfg.TimeInterval = ConfigDefault.TimeInterval
if cfg.Output == nil {
cfg.Output = ConfigDefault.Output
if !cfg.DisableColors && cfg.Output == ConfigDefault.Output {
cfg.enableColors = true
return cfg