# Created based on v1.51.0 # NOTE: Keep this in sync with the version in .github/workflows/linter.yml run: modules-download-mode: readonly skip-dirs-use-default: false skip-dirs: - internal output: sort-results: true linters-settings: errcheck: check-type-assertions: true check-blank: true disable-default-exclusions: true errchkjson: report-no-exported: true exhaustive: default-signifies-exhaustive: true forbidigo: forbid: - ^(fmt\.Print(|f|ln)|print|println)$ - 'http\.Default(Client|Transport)' # TODO: Eventually enable these patterns # - 'time\.Sleep' # - 'panic' gocritic: disabled-checks: - ifElseChain gofumpt: module-path: github.com/gofiber/fiber extra-rules: true gosec: config: global: audit: true govet: check-shadowing: true enable-all: true disable: - shadow - fieldalignment - loopclosure grouper: import-require-single-import: true import-require-grouping: true misspell: locale: US nolintlint: require-explanation: true require-specific: true nonamedreturns: report-error-in-defer: true predeclared: q: true promlinter: strict: true revive: enable-all-rules: true rules: # Provided by gomnd linter - name: add-constant disabled: true - name: argument-limit disabled: true # Provided by bidichk - name: banned-characters disabled: true - name: cognitive-complexity disabled: true - name: cyclomatic disabled: true - name: early-return severity: warning disabled: true - name: exported disabled: true - name: file-header disabled: true - name: function-result-limit disabled: true - name: function-length disabled: true - name: line-length-limit disabled: true - name: max-public-structs disabled: true - name: modifies-parameter disabled: true - name: nested-structs disabled: true - name: package-comments disabled: true stylecheck: checks: - all - -ST1000 - -ST1020 - -ST1021 - -ST1022 tagliatelle: case: rules: json: snake #tenv: # all: true #unparam: # check-exported: true wrapcheck: ignorePackageGlobs: - github.com/gofiber/fiber/* - github.com/valyala/fasthttp issues: exclude-use-default: false linters: enable: - asasalint - asciicheck - bidichk - bodyclose - containedctx - contextcheck - depguard - dogsled - durationcheck - errcheck - errchkjson - errname - errorlint - execinquery - exhaustive - exportloopref - forbidigo - forcetypeassert - goconst - gocritic - gofmt - gofumpt - goimports - gomoddirectives - goprintffuncname - gosec - gosimple - govet - grouper - loggercheck - misspell - nakedret - nilerr - nilnil - noctx - nolintlint - nonamedreturns - nosprintfhostport - predeclared - promlinter - reassign - revive - rowserrcheck - sqlclosecheck - staticcheck - stylecheck - tagliatelle # - testpackage # TODO: Enable once https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/issues/2252 is implemented - thelper # - tparallel # TODO: Enable once https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/issues/2254 is implemented - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - usestdlibvars - wastedassign - whitespace - wrapcheck