package thumbnail import ( "bytes" "fmt" "image" "image/color" "image/png" "leech/config" "os" "path/filepath" "slices" "sync" "" "" "" "" ffmpeg "" ) var SupportedFileTypes = []string{".png", ".PNG", ".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".JPEG", ".webp", ".webP", ".WEBP", ".pdf", ".PDF", ".mp4", ".MP4", ".webm", ".WEBM", ".mkv", ".MKV", ".obj", ".OBJ", ".stl", ".STL", ".ply", ".PLY", ".3ds", ".3DS"} var FileTypesMap = map[string]imaging.Format{ ".png": imaging.PNG, ".PNG": imaging.PNG, ".jpg": imaging.JPEG, ".JPG": imaging.JPEG, ".jpeg": imaging.JPEG, ".JPEG": imaging.JPEG, ".pdf": imaging.PNG, ".PDF": imaging.PNG, ".webp": imaging.PNG, ".WEBP": imaging.PNG, ".mp4": imaging.PNG, ".MP4": imaging.PNG, ".webm": imaging.PNG, ".WEBM": imaging.PNG, ".mkv": imaging.PNG, ".MKV": imaging.PNG, ".obj": imaging.PNG, ".OBJ": imaging.PNG, ".stl": imaging.PNG, ".STL": imaging.PNG, ".ply": imaging.PNG, ".PLY": imaging.PNG, ".3ds": imaging.PNG, ".3DS": imaging.PNG, } var FFMPEGFormats = []string{ ".webp", ".webP", ".WEBP", ".mp4", ".MP4", ".webm", ".WEBM", ".mkv", ".MKV", } var FauxGLFormats = []string{ ".obj", ".OBJ", ".stl", ".STL", ".ply", ".PLY", ".3ds", ".3DS", } var thumbnailSize = 48 var AA = 2 var thumbnailCache = map[string][]byte{} var thumbnailCacheMutex = &sync.RWMutex{} var memLimiterMutex = &sync.RWMutex{} var jobCounter = 0 var checkAgain = make(chan bool, 5) func IsSupportedFileType(completePath string) bool { fileExt := filepath.Ext(completePath) return slices.Contains(SupportedFileTypes, fileExt) } func WaitForAvailable() { memLimiterMutex.RLock() for config.Config.ThumbnailJobLimit == jobCounter { memLimiterMutex.RUnlock() <-checkAgain memLimiterMutex.RLock() } memLimiterMutex.RUnlock() memLimiterMutex.Lock() jobCounter += 1 memLimiterMutex.Unlock() } func Free() { memLimiterMutex.Lock() jobCounter -= 1 memLimiterMutex.Unlock() select { case checkAgain <- true: return default: return } } func GetThumbnail(c *fiber.Ctx, completePath string) { c.Set(fiber.HeaderContentType, "image") thumbnailCacheMutex.RLock() bytesThumb, ok := thumbnailCache[completePath] thumbnailCacheMutex.RUnlock() if ok { c.Write(bytesThumb) return } WaitForAvailable() /* While waiting some other thread could have generated the thumbnail */ thumbnailCacheMutex.RLock() bytesThumb, ok = thumbnailCache[completePath] thumbnailCacheMutex.RUnlock() if ok { c.Write(bytesThumb) Free() return } fileExt := filepath.Ext(completePath) if !slices.Contains(SupportedFileTypes, fileExt) { Free() return } f, err := os.Open(completePath) if err != nil { Free() return } var img image.Image if fileExt == ".pdf" || fileExt == ".PDF" { doc, err := fitz.New(completePath) if err != nil { Free() return } img, err = doc.Image(0) if err != nil { Free() return } doc.Close() } else if slices.Contains(FFMPEGFormats, fileExt) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) err := ffmpeg.Input(completePath). Filter("select", ffmpeg.Args{fmt.Sprintf("gte(n,%d)", 0)}). Output("pipe:", ffmpeg.KwArgs{"vframes": 1, "format": "image2", "vcodec": "mjpeg"}). WithOutput(buf, nil). //os.Stdout Silent(true). Run() if err != nil { Free() return } img, err = imaging.Decode(buf) if err != nil { Free() return } } else if slices.Contains(FauxGLFormats, fileExt) { // load a mesh var mesh *fauxgl.Mesh if fileExt == ".obj" || fileExt == ".OBJ" { mesh, err = fauxgl.LoadOBJ(completePath) } else if fileExt == ".stl" || fileExt == ".STL" { mesh, err = fauxgl.LoadSTL(completePath) } else if fileExt == ".ply" || fileExt == ".PLY" { mesh, err = fauxgl.LoadPLY(completePath) } else { mesh, err = fauxgl.Load3DS(completePath) } if err != nil { Free() return } // fit mesh in a bi-unit cube centered at the origin mesh.BiUnitCube() // smooth the normals mesh.SmoothNormalsThreshold(fauxgl.Radians(30)) // create a rendering context context := fauxgl.NewContext(thumbnailSize*AA, thumbnailSize*AA) /*context.ClearColorBufferWith(fauxgl.HexColor("#FFF8E3"))*/ // create transformation matrix and light direction aspect := 1. matrix := fauxgl.LookAt(fauxgl.V(-4, 1.5, -2) /* eye */, fauxgl.V(0, -0.07, 0) /* center */, fauxgl.V(0, 1, 0) /* up */).Perspective(33 /*fovy*/, aspect, 1 /* near */, 30 /* far */) // use builtin phong shader shader := fauxgl.NewPhongShader(matrix, fauxgl.V(-0.75, 1, 0.25).Normalize() /* light */, fauxgl.V(-4, 1.5, -2) /* eye */) shader.ObjectColor = fauxgl.HexColor("#9e5272") context.Shader = shader // render context.DrawMesh(mesh) img = context.Image() } else { img, _, err = image.Decode(f) if err != nil { Free() return } f.Close() } // load images and make 64x64 thumbnails of them thumbnail := imaging.Thumbnail(img, thumbnailSize, thumbnailSize, imaging.CatmullRom) // create a new blank image dst := imaging.New(thumbnailSize, thumbnailSize, color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}) // paste thumbnails into the new image side by side dst = imaging.Paste(dst, thumbnail, image.Pt(0, 0)) // save the combined image to buffer var buf bytes.Buffer if FileTypesMap[fileExt] == imaging.PNG { err = png.Encode(&buf, dst) } else { err = imaging.Encode(&buf, dst, FileTypesMap[fileExt]) } if err != nil { Free() return } thumbnailCacheMutex.Lock() thumbnailCache[completePath] = buf.Bytes() thumbnailCacheMutex.Unlock() c.Write(buf.Bytes()) Free() }